Chapter 21

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Y/n's POV

•||While at dinner||•

"Good evening Mr. Min and Mrs. Min" I greeted the couple in front of me.

"Good evening too Y/N, your father never told us that you could be this beautiful" Mrs. Min said, as my face was heating up because of the compliment I just got.

Our parents greeted our Company partner, they also greeted Sunhee. I am the only one who didn't greeted that bitch, Why would I even do that?

Namjoon's POV

"So Namjoon, your parents told you already that you have to marry my beautiful daughter here" Mr. Min said

Did he just called Sunhee beautiful? Where? I can't even see any single inch of that person "beautiful"

I saw Y/N almost choke on her food and I saw Taehyung let out a little chuckle and others are holding their laugh.

"Yes sir" I just answered

This marriage is not about love ok? This is for your parents and for the company.

End of Namjoon's POV

"Since Sunhee is your only child I-" My mother was interrupted

"No Miss, I have a brother" Sunhee butted

"Oh, Is he here?" My mother asked the bitch

"He will be here soon" Mr.Min said

She has a brother? I bet that boy is a ugly bitch, like this one in front of me.

While we are eating...

"Oh, I'm sorry I'm late, did I miss anything?" I heard a familiar voice, it's a male voice, I guess it's the bitch's brother.

I didn't dare to look at the boy who's behind me. But...

"Kyung-soo why are you here just now?" Mrs.Min asked that made me turn around because of the name,

And there I saw the one and only Kyung-soo.

"Oh hi Y/N" he said

I am just frozen, he is the brother of this bitch? Why?

"H-hi" I can't talk looking at him

I just look at him as he took a seat beside the stupid ass bitch

"Hey bitch can you hand me the fucking salt" Sunhee said pointing at the salt talking to me

"Why will I? If you're reaching a salt you can't grab it, but if you're reaching my brothers lap you can stand, what a shame" I said

"Oh well, here you go" I said pouring the salt in her head

"Opss, sorry my bad" I said smirking

"Y/n, your attitude" my father shouted at me

"Why me? She called me bitch first" I answered

"But y/n that's too much" my mother said angrily at me

"Ugh, why am I dealing this stupid shit" I said then I stood up but I forgot that I don't have my keys, Taehyung oppa have it

So I looked at Taehyung oppa, and he knows what does that look means so he grabbed the keys from his pockets and throw it to me and I fortunately catch it.

"Thank you" I said to him

"No probs sis" he said then I walked away from the table but I still heard what dad said to Taehyung oppa

"Why are you spoiling that kid?" Dad said

"Why? She needed it" Taehyung oppa answered

"Actually father we all have to follow that girl" Jin oppa said then left with others


•||While inside the car||•

"Ugh, I can't believe that my father is on that Sunhee bitch's side" I said to myself

"Well I don't really care because she actually deserves it" I said then smirk to myself while remembering how she looked like

Then I drove off...

I am on the road off to a cliff. If you're thinking that I am gonna jump then you are wrong I have, I mean me and my brothers have a place to go there. I am gonna go there to calm myself.

While I am driving someone is horning behind my car then I pulled off to see who is doing that.

I saw my brother's car?

Are they following me?

I saw they also stopped so I stepped out of the car and went to the car who stopped.

I knocked at the car then they put the window down then I saw My Brother, Jimin.

"What's your problem now?" I asked him

"Well nothing just following you" he said

"I know but why?" I said

"To make sure you're safe duh!" He said

"Ok fine" I said

"But this time I'm gonna drive that car to the cliff rest house" he said opening the door

"How do you know I'm going there?"

"I just know"

Then he followed me to my car, as the others are following my car to the rest house. Aish this boys are not gonna stop from making me safe.

We reached the rest house...

We reached the rest house

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.................To Be Continued..............

So guys this is me your author, I didn't update last Friday because I thought when I updated was Friday when the chapter has been published I realized that it was only Thursday, why am I so stupid, so this is a early update.

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