Chapter 24

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Kyung-soo POV

"Yah, new student!" Someone called me from behind, well I'm just the new student here

"How may I help you?" I said politely

"Money" the boy said, I just stared at him

"I said give me your money" he shouted and push my shoulders causing me to step back because of the force

"You just said money and nothing else" I answered him

"And you are answering me" he said pushed me harder causing me to fall on the ground

"Yah! what do you want from him?" A girl shouted

"Who are you to shout at me?" The boy who was bullying me earlier shouted at the girl

"I said who are you" he shouted at the girl again and pushes her, she glared at the boy

"So you don't know me, I'm y/n, I can get you expelled from my school! Now you?! Who are you to shout back at me?! Huh?!" She shouted at the boy, now I remember who is this girl, I recognize her.

"Yah! Cat got your toungue" she shouted at boy making the boy flinch a little

"So-sorry" he said then left

Then Y/N came to me and I'm just admiring her beautiful face

"Kyung-soo" she seemed shock seeing me

"Hi?" I said akwardly

"H-hello, are you ok?" She asked me and help me stand up, I can't believe myself, I'm being helped with a girl

"Yes I'm fine" i said reassuring her



When I saw him I was really shock. After what happened from the dinner with the Mins.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked Kyung-soo out of nowhere

"Why would I be?" He asked

"Because of what I did to your sister from the dinner last night" I said "I think I went overboard" or not.

"No, actually that was funny, nobody done that to my sister before, she's a brat" He said and chuckled

"Really?" I said in shock, what a brother, now I like him

"Yes, let's just go" he said and put his arm around my shoulders, I didn't said anything.

I'm feeling something about him, I just feel comfortable, that's all.


We walked until we reached my classroom. We stopped in front of my door.

"Is this your classroom?" He asked me

"Yes" I said while nodding

"I guess it's your lucky day" he said and gave a playful grin

"Why is that so?" I said and raised my brow to him

"Well a handsome guy will be on your first class" he said and smirk

"Dream more" I said then entered the classroom


We are just waiting for the teacher to come inside classroom when a girl came to me and slam my table.

"Hey" I said in the most calmed voice I can give you this botch in front of me

"Don't 'hey' me bitch" she said

"So you're on new students now?" She added then smirked

"What do you think of me? Someone like you? Who will date every boy in this school?" I said and smirk back

"How dare say those things at me?" She yelled at me

"Because I can" I said

She squealed and left. Stomping. I guess she's done with my words. Because everything is true.

As if it is not true, I just stated the fact. Nothing more, nothing less.


•||Lunch Break||•

I was packing up my things when Rosé called me.

"Kaja!! Let's eat" she shouted, girls,girls,girls, why do they like to shout at all times

"Ok, don't shout I can hear you you know and let me put my things in bag first"

She nodded and I continued my thing. After that we went to the cafeteria and ordered food.

I didn't have pack lunch, remember, I left earlier than my boys.


We we're eating peacefully and with just small talks.

"Hey I'm not done with you" the girl from earlier in the classroom shouted so all of the attention of the students was all on her

When she came to me she suddenly pulled my hair.

"Let go of me" I said Calmly because if I lose my control I might hurt this girl

"I won't" she said

"We will do it" Blackpink said

"Then I will do it" I heard a male voice, I saw Kyung-soo

"You won't let her go then I will do it myself" he said and got the hand of the girl that was on my hair and pulled it

I guess this girl is really something, every boys is her weakness, specially my brothers, now Kyung-soo.

"Thank you" I said to him he just nodded

"Leave" he shouted at the girl

"But sh-"

"I said leave" he shouted at her again

She left. I guess she is scared. What a shame.

To be continued.......

We are almost 1k almost there, thank you for supporting meeeee

I love you guys, my fellow ARMYs

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