Chapter 11 Pt 1 - Carnival

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July 4, 1995

Martha stepped out of the car and heard the gravel crunch. She waited as James walked around to her, then took his hand. They left the parking lot and jaywalked across the interior road, past a parked firetruck and ambulance, and toward the baseball field. Towering lights illuminated the field though there was no game this evening. Instead, a fireworks crew laid out its equipment in center field. Martha and James continued past the right foul pole, toward the grandstand and, beyond that, the carnival.

The summer had been bittersweet. Even with a part-time job as a cashier/greeter for a superstore and an AP Bio class at the local community college, Martha had significantly more free time than during the school year. James' low stakes, white collar theft and full scholarship precluded him from either responsibility and so when she was free, they were together – and it was perfect.

But there was a weight – a pressure accelerating imperceptibly from moment to moment. James was leaving for college in August – the polar opposite of perfect.

Presently, Martha denied the inevitable as they passed the visiting bleachers on their right and a row of porta potties on their left. The carnival's ambient noise grew and its rides came into sight. The ferris wheel rolled its passengers back gently while the kamikaze swung its gondolas as violent, opposing pendulums. Next was a row of boardwalk games followed by the blinking lights, clicking gears, and screaming teenagers of additional rides.

They passed a ticket booth and a cotton candy vendor, then a pair of policemen. James addressed them. "Officers."

The older of the two answered. "Hey Jimbo." He was out of shape and had a thick, gray mustache. "Good to see ya."

"Keepin' an eye on us delinquents?" James asked in folksy politician.

The policeman laughed and said, "You better believe it. Especially trouble-makers like you."

"Aww. Now how am I supposed to have any fun?"

The policeman laughed hard enough to make his gut bounce and lungs wheeze. His younger partner shook his head.

James greeted him, "Officer Ramirez."

He gave a quick nod and said, "Sup Jimmy?"

They continued past a miniature carousel for smaller children and then the Gravitron. James pointed to it and said, "Want to?"

"Uh... sure, okay," she said. In truth, Martha didn't enjoy roller coasters. She preferred the pageantry of Disneyland to the terrifying velocity of Six Flags. As they left the ticket booth, it occurred to her. "Wait. You know I don't like these kinds of rides."

"True," he said.

"Then why did you ask me?" she pressed.

"Why did you say 'yes?'"

Martha didn't have an answer. James led her to the Gravitron as her mind continued down their spiraling dispute.

Shaped and lit like Hollywood's approximation of an alien spaceship, the ride spun hypnotically. Martha stared as the stroboscopic effect deceptively pulled its columns of light backward. She blinked and turned to James whose attention was past her, down the length of the carnival.

"Looking for someone?" Martha asked.

"Huh?" He turned back to her. "Is Camisha coming tonight?"

"I think so."

"Cool. We'll find her after this. Speaking of..." He motioned to the Gravitron which had come to a stop. There was an open door on its side letting out riders – most laughing together, a few grimacing, heads bowed.

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