A Pet's Choice Of Owner

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Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball, any Dragon Ball related content and the majority of the characters.


Saya says excitedly "San San, can he stay in my room?" looking pleadingly up at her kind-hearted tausen. "Well baba he's Goten's pet" Saya pouts and stands up surprisingly fast, causing Roki to fall to  the floor. He whimpers and holds a hand off of the floor. "Awww I'm sorry Roki are you ok?" Saya purrs kissing his hand. Roki purrs and follows Saya when she walks to her bedroom.

"No go to Goten" He ignores Saya's order and curls up by her bed "Goten come get your pet!" Roki flinches at her shouting. Goten says "come on boy" Roki ignores him "Fine then, Saya he can stay in with you"

Saya squeals excitedly getting into bed. Roki crawls to her bedside and purrs when Saya strokes his head. He nudges her arm getting a purred reaction of "What is it boy". In awnser he tries to get under her arm, laughing Saya says "silly boy come up here if you want cuddles" Roki tilts his head at her looking rather cute in her opinion. She pats the bed next to her, causing him to almost immediatly jump up next to her. "Good boy" Saya smiles putting next to her under the cover. He pushes under the cover and licks her hand.

Saya pulls him up and cuddles him purring "Your so cute" Roki's reply comes in a purr, sending her to sleep. Pushing further under the cover he curls up next to her.

The next morning Saya awoke to a sudden wetness on her stomach 'what is that' Roki licked again, purring. "Eww Roki" He looks up at her then nuzzles her chest causing her to giggle and writhe from the tickle (Yes she has a ticlish chest). Through her giggles Saya manged to say "good morning boy" He purred and licked her stomach again "What are you doing" With a partially tilted head Roki crawled to her face and licked the end of her nose. "Awww, I love you too boy"

Roki jumps down from the bed and sits purring with his hands between his legs. "Where are you going" Saya said dissapointedly. He looks towards the door then back at Saya. "Oh do you want out" Gently holding a finger is his mouth he tugs lightly. Saya stands and walks to the door before opening it. Roki purrs before crawling out and into the kitchen. 'I thought he liked me' Sighing she turns to go back to her bed.

Feeling Roki's nose on her leg she jumped before saying "what" He pushes her leg with his face in the direction of the kitchen. "Oh your hungry, I'm sorry I'm not allowed to cook" He crawls to the doorway and sits in it, giving an identical reaction as Saya when Vegeta walks past in his boxers grumbling. After a moment of of looking very scared and disturbed Saya runs to him and jumps at him shouting "Daddy!" Looking a bit bewildered at first Vegeta holds her in a tight hug Purring and saying "Hello my cub" Upon Roki crawling over and sniffing his leg Vegeta squeals. Saya laughed "Daddy it's Got- our new pet"

"Oh.... I knew that, I was just playing- Go and do your teeth Saya" She runs excitedly to the bathroom, Roki following.

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