A Neko In Heat

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Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball, any Dragon Ball related content or the majority of the characters- still wish that i did though.


(Sorry if you don't like time jumps but I felt like I needed to hurry up and get to the originally intended plot)

Twelve years have passed since Goten bought home the saiyan neko who he named Roki, however in this time the neko has passed into the ownership of Saya and has remained with her for the entire time.

In the same way she had for the last nine years Saya found her sleep rudely interrupted in the early hours of the morning by her chest being nuzzled (Roki had been very surprised when she had gained two lumps on her chest and had accidentaly awoke her very quickly by nudging them, so he now used this to wake her up) "What Roki" Saya grumbled "You want food?" He shook his head, almost in the way a cat would do when it sneezes. "Oh you want your morning cuddles" She said, opening her arms, he snuggled into them under he cover, waving his tail. "Oh you are a soppy beast" Saya smiled, wraping her arms around him. Unintentionally the neko was spreading a heat scent, causing her to blush.

Saya's mind was racing 'Hes your pet you can't' But to her that smell was all too delicious to ignore.

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