Chapter 1

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"Why isn't she home yet?" Beca asks herself...

It's almost 3 am and Beca is still waiting for her bestfriend to come home from her date with Tom..

"She promised she'll come home for the night.." Beca sighs as she put her legs down from the couch covering her face with both hands as she thinks of different places Chloe can possibly be..
She texted Chloe for the 3rd time asking where she was. Nothing.. She waited for a reply. Nothing..

Beca can't help but to worry about her bestfriend.
Beca loves Chloe more than a bestfriend but she knew Chloe only sees her as nothing more than a friend. That's it. And that's what hurts Beca. She'll do anything for the redhead. Anything.
She knew she needs stop all the efforts she'd been doing. All the favours, the surprises, everything. She's hurting from the inside knowing that Chloe will not reciprocate it.
Beca can't help but to expect and hope that someday, Chloe Beale will see her as more than her bestfriend.
A girl can dream right?

Beca decided to go up to her room and just call it a night.
"She probably forgot and went home with Tom" she thought, small tears running down her face.
Another night of disappointment. She can't blame Chloe. She can't control her decision. She's just her bestfriend..

Beca tried to sleep get some sleep. She starts her shift at the local radio station at 9 am..
She lifted her phone to check the time.

"3:40 am"

Trying to decide to send Chloe one final text, she sat up, moved her back  against the headboard, she started typing..
Not sure what to say, she finally decided on what to send the redhead.

"Chloe, I cant' take this anymore"

With that, she hit send knowing that after the redhead will not respond to her, she set her alarm on, plugged her phone into the charger and tried to get some sleep.

"I need to stop hurting myself" she thought..

And with that, Beca cried herself to sleep.

She can't take this anymore...

To The Man Who Let Her Go..Where stories live. Discover now