Chapter 10

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Beca woke up with red her sprawled all over her face. She can't help but smile as she look over the girl of her dreams..
Somehow, she felt that everything was right. Everything was on its place..
She continued to linger her gaze at Chloe's face. From her hair, to the scar on her forehead, her eyes as they twitched from maybe having a dream, her cute button nose..
Beca's eyes stopped at Chloe's lips. God she could kiss her all day and wouldn't complain about it.
Then her eyes trailed towards her jawline.. Fuck. That jawline tho..
 Beca can't help but to smirk and remember what happened last night..

Last night..

"Show me how thankful you are, Becs..."

And with that, Beca lift her up and went to her bedroom. Its a miracle that she and Chloe didn't fall or stumbled going into Beca's room. Beca slammed the door and went directly to the bed, lips still on Chloe's. Beca sat on the bed and Chloe straddled her. Their  kissing was so intense that Chloe began to grind on Beca. 

When Beca realized what's happening, she slowly put her hands on Chloe's shoulders and broke the kissing. 
"Chlo.. wa-wait.." she stuttered. "We-we should stop..." 
Chloe furrowed her eyebrows. "Everything okay? I thought you wanted this, Beca?" she said, looking a little hurt. 

Beca noticed this and began to rub her hands on the redhead's shoulders..
"I do want this. But don't you think we should take this slowly? Whatever this is?" Beca said, looking straight at Chloe blue eyes, looking concerned.
"Oh. okay.." Chloe said, disappointedly, she lifted her leg and stood up then sat on the other side of the bed, her back facing Beca. 

Beca let out a sigh and covered her face with her hands. Then she heard sniffles and realized the Chloe was crying. Panicking, she went and knelt by Chloe. 
"Chlo.. What's wrong?" Beca said softly. 

"No-nothing.." she said..
"Are you having second thoughts about me?" Beca said thinking might as well hear the truth now than later. 
"I.. no.. It's just that.. I'm sorry.. I think you're right. We should take this slowly.." she finally said. 
"Chloe.. I love you.. It's just that.. You just broke up with Tom. I'm doing this for the both of us. I don't want to be the rebound girl.. My feelings for you are serious.. If we do things in a rush, we might both end up  getting hurt.. Especially me.. I don't want to lose you... " Beca explained.
"I.. I understand, Beca..." 

"And I want to this the right way okay? Let me take you on a real and proper date. I want to treat you right, okay love? Beca said, lifting Chloe's chin to look at her. 
"Of course, Becs. I don't want to hurt you too.." Chloe said. 
"okay.. you want to cuddle?" Beca asked, smilingly. 

"Like you need to ask.." Chloe said with a grin on her face..

And with that, both girls fell asleep right away..


"You're smiling like an idiot and I can see it with my eyes closed.." Chloe said with her eyes closed but smiling. 
"Well, I could not help it when the girl of my dreams is beside me.." Beca chuckled. 
"You're so cheesy, Mitchell. Who would have thought?" Chloe said as she rub her eyes and stretched her arms and legs.. 

Beca got off her bed and stretched. "Come on, Beale.. Let's get breakfast!" 

"Wait! Since when you became a morning person?" Chloe said as she got up from the bed..
"Ever since I woke up this morning with you beside me.." Beca said.

"Cheese. Beca Mitchell is so cheesy.." Chloe said as he walked towards the brunette.. 
Grabbing Beca's hips, Chloe leaned over and kissed her.. 
"Good morning, DJ..." she said, raising an eyebrow as well.. 
"mmm.. good morning to you too princess.." Beca said still entranced by the kiss.. 
"I could get used to this, you know.." she added. 
And with that, Beca's stomach growled which made Chloe laugh.. 

"let's get you some food, Becs. I don't want you to become a monster.." Chloe said as she walk out Beca's room. 

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