Chapter 8

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The rays of the sun peeking through the window woke Chloe up.
She felt renewed as she stretched out her body. Its been a while since she had a good night's sleep and having Beca beside her felt good.
She reached for her phone on the bedside table and checked the time.

"10:27 am"

She turned into her side and was surprised that Beca was not there.
Panic and worry started to cover Chloe like a cloud, her eyes began to fill with tears.
A lot of things were were running through the redhead's mind but was pulled out of it when she smelled food coming from the kitchen.

She got up and went to the kitchen just to see Beca cooking breakfast for the two of them.

Beca's phone was connected to the speaker again and was flipping pancakes. She turned around just to see Chloe standing there and watching her.

"Good morning, Chlo.." she said.

"Good morning, Becs.. when did you become a morning person?" Chloe chuckled as she took a seat on the dining table.

"Hmm. Let me think.. i think its because of a certain redhead that I know.." Beca said as she put a stack of pancakes infront of Chloe and a plate of bacon beside it.

"Can I meet her?" Chloe laughed. Its mornings like these that she loves doing with the brunette.
"Smells good, Becs. Thank you"

"Of course it'll smell good. i made them. And they taste good too" Beca said.

"Never too early to be cocky huh?" Chloe replied.. she took a bite of the pancakes.. "oh my gosh, Beca. This is so good!" She took a bite after bite.

"Slow down there, you.. theres more of still want some" Beca laughed as she took a seat beside Chloe and began to devour her food too.
There was a comfortable silence between them and they were okay with it.

"So.." Beca said as she finished her food, putting her fork down.
"How are you feeling?"

Chloe kept eating her food. "I don't really know, honestly. But I'm glad you're here with me.." she said as she looked up to Beca. 

"I'll always be here for you, Chlo.." Beca said as she reached out and put her hand over the top of Chloe's. 

"About what you said last night, umm. did you mean it?" she hesitantly asked. 

Chloe stopped eating, putting her fork down. She stared at Beca and bit her lower lip. She smiled, looked down her plate and nodded. 

"okay. that's cool.." Beca said as she tried her best not to smile knowing that Chloe just broke up with Tom. "Now what?" she asked. 

"What do you mean?" Chloe asked.

"Uhh. Nothing.. just forget about it.." Beca said as she gave the Chloe a small smile.


"Get ready when you finish eating. Were going on an adventure!" Beca said as she stood up and put her plate in the sink.
"Chop, chop, Beale!" She said as she made her way upstairs to have a quick shower.

Chloe was confused as there was a sudden shift in Beca's mood but she decided not to push the brunette.
She finished her breakfast and cleaned up after for the both of them.

Hearing the shower turned off, Chloe hurriedly got her towel and robe and went inside to her ensuite bathroom since Beca used the one in the hallway.
She quickly took a shower and dried her hair. She decided to just leave her natural curls on since she has no idea where Beca's going to take her.

She got out of the bathroom and can't decide what to wear so she went to Beca's room. Usually, she would just barge in but today, she knocked before coming in.

"Becs? What should I wear?' she asked as she opened the door.

Her jaw dropped a little bit as she take in Beca's form. The brunette was in black ripped skinny jeans and nothing but a black bra on. Apparently, she can't decide what to wear either.
Chloe was still staring at the brunette. Her toned stomach showed a little bit of abs and her jaw line, "oh my gosh" Chloe thought. She had different things running through her head right now, and let's just say some of them, no. Most of them are very inappropriate. She's so lost in her thoughts that she did not notice Beca smirking at her as well.

"Wanna take a picture? I heard they last longer?" Beca said as she try to hide her blush so she smirked instead.

"Wha-what?" Chloe asked as she was snapped out of her thoughts.

"You're staring, Beale.." Beca replied as she walk towards the redhead, arms across her chest, accentuating her boobs.

"I, uh.. just want to ask wha-what should I-I wear" she stuttered.

Beca's amused by the redhead's reaction but decided to stop torturing her. She turned her back against Chloe and walked towards her closet.

"Casual is fine, Chlo.. Just bring a light sweater or a jacket.."

"Okay" the redhead said. She then hurriedly closed the door and went back to her room. She calmed herself down as to not want to take another shower just because she needed some release. The image of Beca is still imprinted on her brain. She shook her  and took deep breaths. Once she's calmed down, she went to her closet and settled for black skinny jeans, white v neck fitted shirt and her black leather jacket. She settled for her black boots too..
She did her make up and fixed her hair. She opened the door and incidentally, Beca opened hers too. They see each other and both girls' eyes widen at each other..

"Dude.. were almost wearing the same thing!' Beca chuckled. She's wearing her ripped skinny jeans, a black shirt and her leather jacket as well. She's wearing combat boots but oh well, who cares.

"Ohhh.. I can change, dont worry.." Chloe said as she walked back inside her room. Beca followed her and grabbed her hand.

"No. It's fine. We can be like those couples who wear matching stuff.." She said.

"Oh so were a couple now?" Chloe smiled..

Beca smirked and leaned towards Chloe and gave her a kiss on her right cheek..

"We'll get there, Beale. That is if you want to. I dont want to rush you since you've just broken up with Tom.."

"Beca, I umm..." Chloe stuttered. She stared into those stormy blue eyes and smiled.
"Thank you.." she then hugged the small brunette.

Beca hugged her back. In her mind, she want to be Chloe's girlfriend but she does not want to be the rebound girl. She'll be patient with Chloe and when the right time comes, she'll ask her.

"Okay. We need to get going.." Beca said as she pulled away from the hug, walking outside the room and down to the door.

"Where are we going?" Chloe asked as she followed Beca downstairs.

"That's for me to know and you to find out, mi'lady.."

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