Chapter 7

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Chloe sat on the edge of her bed, looking herself at the mirror. She didn't brush her hair for three days, she did not care if her mascara was smudged all over her face, she did not care if her eyes were red and puffy from crying, she just did not care at all. The past few days have been tough on her. Finding out your boyfriend cheating on you the same day your best friend sort of walked out on you was not her plan on spending her weekend. 
There were times she contemplated to call Beca but she was scared. She was scared that Beca will continually build her walls up and just go with her "I don't give a shit" attitude. Then there's Tom, who kept on calling her till she blocked his number. 

Chloe realized that she cared more about what Beca would say compared to Tom. She cared - cares for Beca more. 
"What does this mean"? Chloe asked herself. 
She was so lost in her thoughts that she did not hear the door of their apartment open..
She stood up to open her blinds a little bit because she still does not want to go out in the sun, just to give her room some light.

Chlo was staring outside when she was shocked to hear someone knocking at her door.

"Bree, I told you I'm hungry!"

No answer. The person behind the door keeps on knocking..

Chloe got frustrated and worked her way to her door and opening it so quickly.
"Aubrey, for the millionth time-"

"Hey Chloe..."

The redhead was caught off guard..
She did not expect Beca to be there. (Although every day she kind of wishes Beca was there to hold her)

Chloe stood there in shock. "Beca.." she managed to whisper out before her knees gave out and she started to cry real hard.
Beca somehow managed to catch her before she fell on the floor. Hugging her while she gently lowered both of themselves down..

"Sshhh. It's okay, Chlo. I'm here" Beca said as she run her hand on Chloe's back trying to console her.

"I fucked up, Beca.." Chloe blurted out. "I'm an asshole.." she continued as she allowed her emotions to take control of her..

"You are many things, Chloe Beale. But an asshole? Come on. You're not.." Beca said. She took a peek inside her best friend's room and saw bottles of vodka and crumples tissues on the floor. Seeing her best friend like that broke her heart. She should've been with her through these times. She should've not walked out on her..
"Chloe, did you drink everything bottle of vodka you can find in this apartment?"

Chloe let herself go of Beca's arms. She wiped her tears with her tank top, not even caring if Beca saw her like a mess..
"Its been rough for me, okay.."

Beca looked into the redhead's eyes and can see her hurting.
"I'm sorry for walking out on you, Chloe. I shoul have never done that.."

"Its not your fault so dont blame yourself. This was all on me" Chloe said as she stood up, making her way towards her bed.

"I'm the one who kissed you. I understand it now. You needed to clear your head"

"What happened with Tom?" Beca suddenly asked.

Chloe looked down and played with her shorts. She took a deep breath, trying to control her emotions.

"He uhm.. he cheated on me. I caught him with another girl" Chloe said trying to keep her tears at bay.

"When was this?" Beca asked.

"Um. I-it was the day yo-you walked a-away" Chloe said, tears falling. She cant control it anymore. She stood up and walked inside the bathroom and closed the door.

Beca felt bad. Chloe should not be crying like this. Beca partially blames herself for doing this to her.

Thinking how to console Chloe, when suddenly..

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