Chapter 6

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Slamming the door as she walked out, Beca took out her phone and called Jesse. She needed a place to stay for a while. After what happened with her and Chloe, she just can't be around with the redhead. 

"hey, Becaw!" Jesse answered. 

"Not a good time to call me that, dude." Beca said in a cold tone. 

Noticing the difference in the brunette's voice, Jesse knew something happened with his best friend. 

"Woah. Is everything okay? do you need me to come over?" he asked, worried that Beca might do something stupid.

"Yeah about that. Can I stay at your place for a while? I'll explain everything when I get there" she replied. 

"My place is always open for you, Beca. You know that" 

"Thanks, Jesse. I'll be over in twenty.." 

"See you Beca. Be careful.."

Beca hung up ordered an Uber right away. After a few minutes, the car arrived. Once inside, Beca can't help but to replay what happened minutes before. It happened so fast that Beca can't help but to tear up a little. Looking out the window, she looked up to the sky and tears just started falling down. Beca wondered why is this happening to her. Out of all the people, she fell in love with her best friend. And the worst thing is she knew Chloe would never love her back the way she loves her. 

The Uber came to a stop and Beca noticed that they were in front of Jesse's apartment. She thanked the driver and grabbed her stuff and rang the buzzer. Jesse pressed the button to let the brunette in and she walked up to his place. He was waiting for her by the door and he can see that she had been crying. Right away he knew it has something to do with a certain redhead. 

Jesse opened the door for Beca and she immediately crashed on the couch face forward leaving her stuff by the door. 

"I'll get the drinks. We need to talk about this." Jesse said as he made his way to the kitchen to grab some beers and Beca's favorite vodka. 

"What's there to talk about Jes? She said that she won't love me the way I love her. It literally came out from her mouth." Beca mumbled as she turned her position so she's looking up the ceiling. 

"You really think she meant that?" Jesse asked as he hand a beer to Beca. She grabbed it and immediately took a big gulp. 

Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Beca looked at Jesse and said "she kissed me today Jesse. And not just a friendly kiss. She kissed me on the lips." 

"Oh. Did not see that coming, Becs." Jesse said as he took a sip of his beer. 

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved it. But then when I broke the kiss, I looked into her eyes and all I saw was, I don't know, pity? Like she only did that because she feels sorry for me." Beca said as she looked down on the floor, not wanting Jesse to see her eyes become full of tears. "I-I just don't understand why" she sniffled. She can't help it but to let her emotions take over. 

Looking up to Jesse, her eyes are red and tired. Jesse stood up and sat beside the brunette. Putting his arm over her shoulder, he tries to comfort her. "What is it that you don't understand?" he asked as she rubs a hand on the brunette's back. 

"I don't understand why I have to fall for her Jess. I don't get it. After everything I've done for her. I turned down the offer from a studio in LA just to stay here with her. I chose to be with her and yet she can't even answer me when I asked her if she could love me more than a best friend" Beca blurted out. 

"And she fucking kissed me! Why would she do that and say sorry afterwards? That's so shitty" 

"Did you have a chance to talk to her? Like a normal adult conversation?" Jesse asked. He knew Beca's answer but he still needed to hear it from her. 

"You know I can't do that. I can't even tell her how I feel about her. I hid that for five fucking years." 

"Well maybe it's time for you to woman up and have that conversation. You're being unfair to Chloe in some way, you know" Jesse said as he stood up and take the bottles from the table and put in in the kitchen. 

"I don't know Jess. It's hard for me to do that" Beca sighed. Grabbing her stuff she went to the guest room and started to freshen up. She took a quick shower and changed into something comfortable. After that she went out to the living room and saw Jesse watching t.v. She sat beside him and watched the series too. After a few minutes, Beca decided to speak. 

"Do you really think I should talk to her? she asked the other brunette. 

Jesse paused the show and turned to Beca. "Of course, Becaw. But knowing you, you're going to need time to process everything and think about what you're going to say to her without getting angry" 

Beca closed her eyes and let out a sigh, She knew Jesse was right. She's going to take some time to do it.  She was startled when her phone started to ring. She reached for her phone to see who's calling. 

"Aubrey Posen-Conrad" 

Beca hit the end button not wanting what the blonde was going to say. She tossed her phone on the couch and went back to talking to Jesse. 

Her phone rings again. Jesse looked up to her and asked. "Aren't you going to answer that?" 

"No. It's Aubrey. She's probably going to lecture me about Chloe again. She reports everything to that blonde." she said as she stood up and went to the kitchen to grab some beers. 

Beca put her phone into silent mode and ignored it for the rest of the day. 

A week later. 

Beca was on her way to the radio station. Luke asked her if she could cover the day shift for a while since he was going away for vacation for three days. She reluctantly accepted it with that in mind that she can focus on her mixes during the night. 

She was about to cross the road when someone grabbed her arm. 

"What the fu-" Beca stopped as she was ready to punch whoever did that to her. 

"Aubrey?" Beca's eyes widened as she saw the blonde glaring at her.

"Oh good, you still know my name" Aubrey said as she let go of Beca's arm

"What do you want, Posen?" the brunette spat out. 

"It's Posen-Conrad, but you knew that" Aubrey puffed out. "Do you still have your phone?"

"Uhm. Yeah. I still have it and-" 

"Then why are you not answering my calls and texts? I've been calling you for a week now!" Aubrey's voice was covered in anger and frustration. 

Beca just looked away, not wanting to answer the question. 

"Jesus, Beca. I-it's Chloe" the blonde said as she pinched the bridge of her nose. 

"What happened to her?" Beca asked but immediately said "you know what Aubrey, I don't care anymore". And with that, she started to walk away. 

"Beca! Wait. It's just hard you know for me to see her like that.." The blonde said as she ran up to Beca. 

"What is it that happened Aubrey that you had to call me and try to reach me?" Beca asked. 

"Uhm. Well, Tom cheated on Chloe. I've been trying to call you because she's been in her room ever since that day she found out." 

"What do you mean Tom cheated on Chloe? And when was this?" the brunette can't help but to worry about the redhead. Even if she was hurt and angry towards Chloe, she can't stop worrying about her. She'll always be concerned. 

"The day you left your guys's apartment was the same day she caught Tom with another girl. It broke her, Beca. To her, she lost her bestfriend and boyfriend  the same day. She went to my place after that and I dropped her off after hours of crying and drinking."

Beca just stared at the blonde. She knew she had to be there for the redhead but a part of her also wanted to stay away. She just built her walls again. She can't afford to break them soon. 

"Thanks for telling me, Posen. I should get to work. I'm gonna be late." Beca said walking away. 

"Beca.. she needs you" 

Beca just looked at Aubrey and gave her a weak smile. And with that, she disappeared into the crowd. 

To The Man Who Let Her Go..Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora