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Harry gazed emptily out the window. He had completely turned everything off, his emotions, his cares, his worries,…his mind, all remaining a distant buzz in the back of his mind. His friends soon became silent also. They took in his appearances – Pale, matted - scruffy hair, tear stained cheeks , beat red - puffy eyes , and bags underneath them as if he hadn’t slept for days (which is likely he didn’t) but what had really disturbed them were the scratch marks healing on his face. Scratch marks that were almost fresh that streamed from the tops of his eyebrows to the tops of his cheeks. Harry in a fit of rage had attempted to scratch out his own eyes to unsee what he had seen. The sight that seemed it would haunt him for eternity.

Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn exchanged worried glances at each other. Neither of them could manage to speak out because what would they say?

‘It’ll all be okay?’ cause then they would be lying. They had no idea if Harry would ever recover from this. If roles were reversed…. Man, they couldn’t even fathom the thought of going through it themselves. And as a much as they wanted to help their friend, they knew the best thing for him right now is space…and time. That was Harry’s only hope at the moment - - Time- they could only hope that it would eventually heal him, his heart, body, and soul .So they threw out the now useless pep talk and decided on sympathetically patting and stroking their friends back before making their way toward the exit. Louis was the last to leave. He took one quick glance back only to find Harry still sat stiff as a board facing the window.

Sighing Louis closed the door, giving a quick prayer for his friend, and started making his to his car.

Harry remained still, even as one thought began to bombard it way back into his mind

Nina’s tears streaming down her cheek

“I’m so sorry Harry, I’m so sorry” she sobbed

“ Fate can be ….. so Cruel”

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