4. New beginnings, new friends

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"I'll be right back i gotta meet up with some friends but i'll meet you afterwards kay?" Danielle asked

"Oh yeah sure" she smiled even though deep down she had a little sense of disappointment. Its not like she really knew anyone there accept for a few familiar faces, otherwise she was in a room full of strangers.

Taking a random seat she waited for the assembly. An older who looked to be 60 yrs old crept up to the mike. Tapping it three time she called out

"May i have your attention please" And as if magic it soon got quiet. "Thank you I would like everyone to give a round of a applause to welcome our new our freshman."

It was then Nina took notice that everyone who had been on the train was surrounded by upper class-men sitting further to the back. Talk about front and center.

Taking in their appearance it was like puberty had placed a hurricane on this place. Making the new arrivals resembled children."I am Mrs.Woldorf your principle"

The old woman continued

"Now i am fully aware you all may miss your families but I assure Wynston Academy will become like a second home to you" she smiled

"From this day forth you are not strangers you are sisters""Sisters who will go through the same challenges while your here, because you all are here for the same reason: To become the best mates that you can be. To go home when your time has come and make your families proud, you are the foundation to to every Werewolf in your tribe."

"Now we have a speech that is going to be given to us by one of our outstanding students" a warm smile appeared on her face "Please give a warm welcome for our senior president Gemma"

Suddenly a dark brown haired girl emerged from the crowd. Pushing back stray hair she gave the crowd a warm dimply smile. She began to skim the room with her sea blue eyes. She almost looked familiar to Nina, like someone she knew but she

could put her finger on it quite yet. She decided to drop it for now.

"Alright hows everyone doing" she asked followed by some grumbling in the audience "Great. Well Im Gemma, Im the senior president and I'm also one of the advisor for all of you. If any of you need anything even if its just to talk I'm here. Though our dorms are on the other side of the campus, you can get my number from me later.

She continued... "I remember when I first got here 3 yrs ago I had left my mom, my dad and my brother behind and I had become kinda depressed. I mean yeah i had my group of friends but Its not like having your mom cook you dinner or your dad drive you to your violin lesson, or having your brother to boss around and torture everyday." the crowd chuckled "Your kinda -- on your own in a way and that can be scary"

"Thankfully a girl in her senior year told me to grow close to my class mates because eventually i would in fact need them." "And that has been the most truthful thing i've learned here"

"Nobody knows what your going through better than your class mates so confide in them and... you will go far here at Wynston. Thank you" she smiled as she handed the mike back to Mrs. Woldorf while receiving a loud applause for the audience.

"Thank you Gemma now ladies we will now continue on to discipline..."The crowd began to groan.

"Yes i know" she sung "Here at Wynston we do believe in 3 strike warning meaning if you go through you 3 strikes a

punishment will in fact be issued. Punishments are determined by the seriousness of your actions but we do commonly distribute detentions for minor offenses that are not a part of the 3 strike rule."

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