6. Aren't we an odd bunch?

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Minutes turn into hours

Hours turn into days

And days turn in to eternity

My life has begun to fade it into an endless pit of waiting for her to return. I knew that it was unhealthy to depend on someone at such a young age but, when I’m alone, without her, I’m weak. She makes me strong. Together we’re like a force to be reckoned with. Or at least I’d like to think so.

I looked over at Niall who gave me an uncomfortable smile. He’s been acting so weird around me ever since Nina left. Probably cause he doesn’t quite know what to say. Nina is his sister after all. So it is understandable that he would want to stay as light years away from the subject of love & and his sister.

I couldn’t help but chuckle when thinking back on conversation we had just the other day.



In my bedroom

“Whatever you need I’m here for ya buddy, you just name it and I will make it happen” Niall offered with a friendly smile. He had been trying to keep my mind off the Nina’s departure.

“Well actually… I’m kind of in need of some advice” I started

“Well, okay shoot” said Niall sat on my bed next to me

“So I’m a little unsure of how me and Nina can continue with our intimacy”

“Oh” Niall gulped. I didn’t take notice to how pale he getting as I continued

“ Ya it’s a bit difficult. Going from us fooling around every day to not at all! I don’t want things go stale between us” I mused off into my thought abandoning Niall right next to me

“Nope --- uh – definitely wouldn’t want--uh that Ha- ha “ Niall replied uncomfortably swallowing back bile that risen from the pits of his stomach upon hearing of his sister and best mates “ka-noodiling.”

That was actually the last thing he wanted to think about! It’s just that Harry had been there for him when he needed him and he just wanted to do the same but, this task was proving to be impossible. From convincing him to get out bed, to persuading him to shower, and hearing about how ‘hopeless’ he was without his sister; Niall was at a complete impasse. He was all out tricks AND restraints from holding back his lunch right now.

In Short: he was spent, had heard waaay too many stories about the texture of his sister lips, and was losing it right before Harry although vowed to himself to stay strong.

“ ...and I’ve been up reading up online about ways to spice up long-distance relationships and I’ve actually liked this article in particular, I’ve found” Harry rattled on just not noticing his friends state.

“is that so…” Niall said shifting uncomfortably

“ Ya they said Phone Sex is one of the best ways to heat things up! And I thought why not give it a shot you know? I mean me and Nina have basically tried everything under the sun except doing it so, this shouldn’t be too much of a stretch right?“ Harry said more to himself than to a now green Niall.

“Righ—“ Niall cupped his hand over his mouth. Oh no Its coming.

“And sexting we’ve done that before. Niall…. you should have seen those pics she sent me” His eyes began to close, going over the photo he mentally saved “she had this one with a red lacey bra and a black thong ooh----“

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