7. Not a party girl

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“I’m so excited for the party tonight” June squealed going through all of the dresses she owned.

“and here I thought this school year would be a drab! This going to be so fun, I hear the guys from that Were training program nearby are coming…. Hmmm I wonder if there’ll be alcohol. “She rambled on

I nodded at the appropriate moments but honestly she lost me a while back at ‘the 50 shades of chartreuse’ lecture.

“Alright, I’ve narrowed it down to the blue dress or the red one…. which one Nina?”

Dresses & parties weren’t really my thing but, I was willing to put that aside for June. I think we maybe friends now. It’s funny because two weeks ago we were pretty much enemies but now were bonding over boys & dresses. Man things are changing so fast.

Almost too fast.

I examined the two articles of clothing and raised a finger.

“The blue one, it flatters your figure plus it matches your eyes” I said

”Thanks Girl” June beamed as she held the dress to her and did a twirl.

“What are you gonna wear?” she said plopping down on the bed next to me

I scratched my head “Don’t know, jeans, T-Shirt maybe” I owned maybe one dress.

“No, you can’t go in that! you wear that every day, Here” she handed me the red one.

“Go try that on” she shooed me

“But I-” I tried

“No ‘buts’ & hurry up will ya” she turned her attention to the magazine in her hands

I went to the bathroom. I got undress. Removing my Bon Jovi T- Shirt, ripped jeans, and converses, I put on the red garment. I turned around to see myself in the mirror. My eyes nearly bulged out.

I looked…. Weird. Not a bad “weird”, just weird for someone like me.

Hesitantly I exited the bathroom.

“You look…Gorgeous! Perrie come see this”

Perrie peeked her head in curiously and a grin plastered across her face.


After hours ours primping, waxing, & painting I had managed to escape the girly mania and rushed to my bedroom. I had captured my attention in the mirror and sighed. Well it’s only for one night right?

I heard buzzing coming from my purse. My heart leapt for joy.

“Hey do you have a minute” a husky voice answered

“ya, I can’t talk long, I’m about to go” I bit my lip

“ oh…” he sounded a tad disappointed

“I’m going to a party”

“Really? that sounds...fun”

“That makes one of us” I joked

“I know you’re not into the party scene but you should try to enjoy yourself”

“I’ll try” I said trying to sound convincing but failing miserably

“I’m serious, you deserve it, and besides its just for only tonight….who’s going with you anyway”

“Just the girls “

He sighed

In relief? Aww he was a little jealous.

“Well that’s Great! “he said a little too cheerful

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