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as if in slow motion daniel felt the world stop. his foot snagged on a rock and the next thing he knew he was lying on the ground, hot coffee all him.

the brunet tried to stop the fall from happening but the result was inevitable.

"oh my god! daniel, are you ok?"corbyn ran up to the boy, concern written all over his face.

daniel stood up brushing the dirt off of his body. "yeah." he glanced down. "but your hoodie is ruined, i'm so sorry corbyn."

suddenly he felt two warms arms wrapped around his body. "listen to me daniel, it's ok. i have enough hoodies as is."

"are you sure?"

"positive." corbyn said. "but you're gonna need a change of clothes."

daniel nodded in agreement looking down at his now ruined outfit. "i'm so sorry corbyn, i ruined today."

"no it's fine." the blond laughed. "plus it was pretty funny to see you fall."

"you're a toddler." daniel shot back laughing.

"then i guess i need my daddy."

daniel's face flushed at those words. "i guess you do."

he turned away from the blond trying not to show his now bright red face.

"well come on."

daniel spun around. "where are we going?"

"to get you some clean clothes. duh." corbyn said as he grabbed daniel's arm pulling him.

the blue-eyed boy followed without a word, not daring to speak and ask where they were going. the walk wasn't long and it was in the park so neither boy got bored. finally they arrived in a neighborhood, corbyn leading daniel to a skinny house in the middle of the block.

"here we go." he lead the younger boy through the house not taking anytime to stop and show the place.

daniel was curious though and so as they went up the stairs he stole glances at the other rooms. corbyn was messy, he never would've guessed that.

the brunet was led into what he assumed was corbyn's bedroom. there was a large blue bed in the center of the room, the sheets unmade. on the floor clothes and random items had been thrown everywhere making it almost impossible to see the floor. a laundry basket of clean clothes stood next to the open closet doors, corbyn probably never bothered to put them away.

the blond began to rummage through the clothes, tossing some to the side before pulling out an outfit. "here, try this."

he handed daniel another sweatshirt, this one navy blue and a pair of sweatpants. "is there somewhere i can change?"

"yeah, just go down the hall and to the left." corbyn pointed. "bathroom is the second door."

daniel pulled the clothes tight to his chest as he walked down the hall inhaling the scent of corbyn. the boy was a mystery and yet he intrigued his younger companion.

the house was a mess and yet corbyn always looked so put together. he was hiding something and daniel had decided that it was his mission to find out what.

he quickly slipped the old clothes off cuddling his body into the new ones. they were just as soft, if not more, and they smelled of a light cologne.

daniel loved them.

he sighed happily making his way back down the hallway.

"no, it's not like that, i promise." he heard the blond say and the blue-eyed boy passed outside of the room.

"he's just a friend, if that, plus why would you think that?" corbyn whispered harshly into his phone.

"god no, that's your idea not mine and i'm not doing it."

summoning his courage daniel straightened the sweatshirt before stepping into the room.
"what's going on?"

corbyn quickly mumbled into the phone. "i have to go b, talk later." he hung up a second later turning to face daniel.

"who was that?"

"oh that?" he gestured down to his phone. "that was no one, it's not important, in fact it was a wrong number."

"um that doesn't make any sense, you said talk later?" daniel was being to question what was going on.

"ok. you want the truth?"

daniel nodded.

the blond patted his bed. "come sit down, it's a long story.

i'm having serious writer's block for this book so enjoy this filler while i try and figure out what the fuck i'm going to write.

any help is appreciated

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