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the house was empty and strangely quiet. white walls that must've been once painted another color made the room feel way bigger than it actually was. looking out to the rainy sky was a large window next to the door. other than that the place was empty.

there was a single hallway to the left which led to the one bathroom and bedroom. from earlier inspection daniel had learned that the house had come with a single queen sized bed. 

that was it. the rest was up to him to figure out how to get, but he didn't know his way around town. he didn't know anything about this place.

the room echoed as daniel set his bag in the center. this, this tiny little building was his home for the next chapter of his life.

the place felt, well it's hard to put into words. sad? there was a vibe that the walls gave off, like it had secrets hiding behind them. yet it intrigued daniel, the smell of fresh paint and the scratches on the floor. 

it was tiny and yet it was perfect. the house was everything that daniel could've dreamed of and more and yet he couldn't help but feel an aching in his heart. this is what he wanted, right? 


wasn't he taking things too far? moving away just because he feel for a guy he could never have. it all seemed too extreme.

so as he looked around the house he felt the pain in his chest. the pain that was telling him maybe this was all a bad idea and that he should just go home instead.

that was the pain that kept him up the first night. and then the second. and then the third. as he lay in the giant bed he began to reminisce on the times he had spent at the store and in the town and slowly daniel began to feel it again. the regret. 

he missed the way he would walk into work with a smile and see zach ranting about his nonexistent problems. he mixed being relaxed and not having a care in the world but he hadn't felt that way in a long time.

then the fourth day arrived and sunlight streamed in through the window. it was the first time all week that daniel had been able to look already; every other time the ground had been wet and the sky gray.

as he arose from the bed the bright sunlight shone into his small bedroom and for the first time in a while daniel felt, happy? if was almost as if he wasn't even fully present as his body drifted over towards the window sill.

the tips of his fingers toyed against the baby blue blinds before he pushed them to the side. now the sunlight was fully unleashed, streaming into the room and daniel let out a low hiss as his eyes began to slowly adjust. 

outside there were lush green trees and bright grass. it was like something you'd see in a magazine, everything in the town looked perfect. above the house was the bright blue sky and what seemed to be a thousand and one fluffy clouds. it was like heaven on earth.

the corners of daniel's lips began to turn up as he gazed at the view in front of him. soon he was full on grinning and he couldn't help but feel happy, no, giddy, at the way this place was looking out to be.

"maybe this isn't so bad after all." he whispered as he stared out the window.

in his mind something had changed; a sudden motivation to get out and do something. so daniel found himself getting ready with a  skip in his skip and a loud beat in his heart.

when he walked to his closet something had changed in his mindset and the boy was beginning to feel more confident. maybe that's why he settled on the pink collared shirt instead of the normal white one, or the blue shoes instead of his black ones. daniel seavey was fully and utterly content. 

home. this was his home now. there was no more going back to target or walking around at skateparks with zach on the weekends. that was done.

so later when daniel found himself wandering around the city grounds he felt a little lost. the happiness had begun to fade just the slightest bit and instead he was left with a sense of reality. that he didn't know a single person in the town or where he was going. he was just out there living. 

every single place that he went felt as though it moved as a whole; all of the people in the streets seemed to know one another. there was a steady rhythm to the way things went and daniel just didn't know it.

that might've been why as he wandered down the streets he kept his eyes up. at every corner he scanned for the one sign that would truly start his new life. he couldn't help himself, he trailed his fingers on the brick walls as he admired the architecture. the place was truly beyond beautiful, it was incredible. 

and then there, it was impossible to miss. daniel saw exactly what he had been looking for. the magnificent building was at a street corner, large and wide it spanned across the majority of the block and the big flashing lights in the center made it in impossible to miss.

in front of it was a big booth with a silky red curtain hiding whatever was inside. that's not what caught daniel's eyes though, instead it was the 'help wanted' sign crookedly taped to the little part where costumers would slide their money across.

daniel smiled, this was the start, the beginning. so he straightened the collar of his shirt, sucked in his breath and took one more glance at the glowing letters before stepping in.

new york cinema.


sorry for not updating in such a long time. this chapter was kinda of trash but whatever

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