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daniel felt yet another wave of heat rush to his face as he heard those words.

he's just sleeping, the brunet told himself, he's just dreaming. but even as he told himself those words daniel didn't totally believe it.

maybe it was his crush on the blond or maybe it was the tone of voice but something  told daniel that this wasn't just a dreamt thought. maybe corbyn actually did like him and that's what scared daniel more than anything.

summoning his courage he bent forward shaking corbyn lightly. the blond let out another groan, this time words daniel couldn't understand.

"corbyn." his voice had dropped lower. "wake up please."

instead of answering to daniel or even opening his eyes corbyn let out a moan. a fucking moan. and boy oh boy did that mess with daniel's emotions.

"corbyn." by now he was basically pleading with the blond. "wake up." but for some reason the older boy couldn't seem to do just that.

he flipped over on his side letting out yet another moan, this one sending shivers down daniel's spine.

now daniel had another problem, the kind of problem only one thing could solve and that just wasn't an option right now. so the blue-eyes boy squirmed awkwardly as his pants progressively grew tighter and corbyn's moans grew louder.

the blush that seemed to have been present the whole day grew on daniel's cheeks. he felt horny. corbyn was moaning his name as he slept and daniel just had to deal with it.

but finally he couldn't take it anymore, daniel had to do something about the state he was in. god, the room felt like a sauna as he stood there his eyes trained on corbyn's moving body.

it was now or never. gathering as much pride as he could muster daniel slipped his hand down lower on his body. he could feel his hard on through the thick material of corbyn's sweatpants.

daniel couldn't believe he was about to do this; especially in another person's bedroom. he gripped himself through the fabric sucking in his breath as he slowly began to pump.

a breathy moan escaped the boy's lips before he quickly brought up a hand to cover his mouth. daniel continued to palm himself through the pants but it just wasn't giving him enough relief.

he sighed taking a final glance at corbyn in the bed before slipping his hand inside his pants, the second daniel felt the skin on skin contact he got more relief. the boy began to pump himself faster drawing closer and closer to his climax.

the sounds of corbyn moaning his name pushed him over the edge. daniel released into his boxers and then by affect corbyn's sweatpants. the sticky cum caused the fabric for cling to his body as daniel pulled his hand out of his pants, a content look now resting on his face.

'shit.' he thought glancing down to the large wet spot on his pants and then to corbyn who now lay silent in the bed, a matching spot on his own pants.

'i need to get out of here.' daniel thought but he couldn't find a good reason to leave in the middle of the night.

glancing at his phone the brunet realized it was five am and he hadn't been home since yesterday morning. to put it into simple terms daniel was fucked.

the store opened at six every single morning and he had to get there on time or he'd loose his job.

he had so much to do in so little time. the blue-eyed boy walked over to the bedside shaking corbyn once more.

it was just daniel's luck, this time corbyn actually bothered to wake up. covering himself with the blankets so the blond couldn't see the mess daniel had made he began to speak.

"i'm heading out for work now but we should definitely hang out soon."

corbyn blinked, not fully awake yet. he felt uncomfortable and unnaturally hot under the covers. the boy shifted trying to readjust but nothing seemed to work. "ok, i'll be in next friday if not before."

daniel's breath caught in his throat, corbyn's voice was low and husky from just waking up. it did things to the younger boy, things he really didn't want to to admit.

swallowing his thoughts the brunet stood again; this time directing his body away from the boy in bed. he made his way to the door not stopping as he did so, too scared to see the blond's reaction.

the second daniel made it into the hallway he let out a sigh of relief. he had successfully had a conversation without getting caught but today was going to be hard.

the thoughts of corbyn moaning his name stayed in the front of his mind as he made his way to work.

daniel. the way he had said it still made the brunet shiver. there was something about the whole affair, something so strange and yet it turned him on.

the reality was too much for him. he had got off to the sound of a costumer having a wet dream about him. who else could say that that's happened to them?


daniel shook his head as he walked into the store, right at five thirty - the time employees had to be there at.

he immediately felt someone grab his arm pulling him against an aisle.

"you have so much to tell me." zach spit out not loosening his grip on daniel as he pulled the older boy down the aisle and into a smaller closed off area.

"what do you wanna do?" he played innocent.

"where the hell were you last night? why are you asking about relationships? everything, daniel, everything!" in some ways zach was similar to a high school girl; he couldn't get enough of drama.

daniel rolled his eyes at his friend. "settle in. this one's a long one."

"we have half an hour, now tell me all the tea." zach intertwined their hands, leaning closer as he loudly chomped down on his gum.

and so daniel began to tell zach the story of how he ended up at corbyn's house last night.

"that still doesn't answer my question though." the brunet pried.

"what do you mean?"

"why were you asking about my relationship."

daniel sighed settling down in the chair. " corbyn, well he has a boyfriend and the guy wants to do something like you do. i'm trying to help him out and give him whatever advice i can."

"so," zach paused blowing a bubble with his gum and then letting it pop a second later. "you're saying that you are trying to help the guy you like out by giving him relationship advice?"

"yes - i mean no, well kind of." daniel sighed leaning back against the wall. "z, you gotta help me. what do i do?"

zach squeezed his hand tight looking directly into the brunet's eyes as he spoke. "there's nothing you can do. for now you just have to wait and see what happens between corbyn and  his boyfriend. it's his issue and he's got to figure out how he's gonna deal with it."

zach's words were true despite how badly daniel didn't want to hear them. he shook his head sadly before turning to his younger friend.


the single word seemed to sum up all of daniel's emotions and zach felt his heart break. he had to do something, he had to help daniel.

give me a ship please (no dorbyn, donah or jachary)

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