Chapter 1

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What is this feeling? its hard to explain, pain that appeared throughout my entire body. I scream out in pain in the dark with chains on my hands and feet and one around my neck. I fall over onto the ground groaning in pain. I scream again feeling like my bones are breaking and snapping throughout my body.


I see fur I see paws. What the hell is happening?



"violet slow down" shouts Maddison in the front seat worried while I drive.

Tears slowly poured from my face and air is slowly suffocating me.

"Slow down" she yelled


I remember that day like it was yesterday. I had picked up my little sister, Maddison from school and we were on our way  home. But before that  I was home with my father, who wasn't all that friendly to me like how he was with Maddison. Maybe it was because he was my step father and not actually my real one. The real one was gone and I didn't know where he had gone and why. My mom was gone too, died a few years after she had Maddison. I was stuck with my 'dad' who actually despised my existence. That day he was mad, saying that I was a waste of space and that I was a good for nothing daughter. I answered back and he gave me a black eye, I picked up my sister and she was concerned. She didn't understand why dad would put his hands on me and not her. I explained to her that she didn't need to worry about it and that I was fine. But that day, it seemed like my world was crumbling in front of me.

The next thing I knew it was dark, I wake up to see that Maddison on the ground and my car is on its side. I crawl over to her and try and wake her up, she didn't respond. Her head was bleeding and I had a bit of scratches and glass stuck in my arm. Again and Again I shook her and I felt afraid. I start to scream and hold her in my arms, I didn't care how hurt I was, I wanted her to wake up.Soon enough I heard a siren coming towards us, the ambulance came and people jumped out, rushing towards us. They try to seperate me from Maddison but I just sob and demanded them not to touch me. When they do finally pry her from my arms, they put me on the stretcher and I yelled as I watch her body being put into a body sized bag and zipped up.


When my 'dad' came to the hospital he wasn't worried about me. He was looking for Maddison, And when they told him that I made it and she didn't he was furious. He came into my hospital room while I was asleep and nearly strangled me with a cord on the wall. A near by nurse heard me yelling and called the security and cops.

They took him away and I was placed into foster care. For the last couple of weeks I've been living with Vanessa and her three kids.Jeremiah and Dylan, who were my age and were very friendly to me even though I'm a little broken. They were twins and were identical, they shared the same light brown hair and hazel eyes. Their sun kissed skin held freckles around their perfectly defined faces. I rarely talked to them unless I needed something or needed to talk to them. Other than them was little Logan, he was eight and had braces and freckles. He had a lighter complexion than his brothers and his eyes were a hazel that held some blues. Logan always loved to talk to me, he said I was like the sister he always wanted. He was sweet and I was just a sad cause that was living with them.

"So you ready for your first day of school?" Asked Vanessa who was my foster mom.

"I mean I guess" I said moving around my peas in disinterest

"You'll do fine" mentions Logan with a smile and I smile back to be polite.

"Yeah Violet we'll be their so you don't have to worry"smiled Jeremiah and Dylan nodded

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