Clash Of Forces

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Before I knew it Zayn launched himself at Harry. Zayn bounced off the back wall of the cavern as I realised Harry was already on his feet between the crew and me. Darren was infuriated by Zayn's deflected the attack and signaled Scratch, Mat, and Scotty into a coordinated attack.  I quickly stood up and positioned myself between Harry and my squad.

"STOP," I shouted.              

Bear grabbed me and pulled me to the ground out of the way of the offensive. It was an extraction.  They were on an extraction mission and I was that mission. The primary objective was to get me out and ask questions later. If Harry and I were not physically so close when they entered the cavern four of them would have tried to take care of Harry while the other two would have had me secured and out of the cave before I realised what was happening. At least that would have been the plan. It was an effective plan. It was proven to be an effective plan as it had succeeded more times than I cared to remember at this moment. 

This would be the first time the extraction method would have failed, as it unquestionably would have failed.  Harry was not your everyday adversary. He could kill them all in the blink of an eye.  My friends could all die because of this.  I had to stop this. I could not let him hurt them.  I was beginning to panic at the thought of it.  They were more than friends to me. They were collectively the closest thing to a family that I had ever known.  Now with Dad gone, they were also the only family I had left.  I couldn't let this happen.  Bear had me pinned. I tried to speak but with his knee on my back, I couldn't get enough breath to even squeak.  I turned my face to try and see what was happening.  Darren was circling Harry like a predatory cat.  He was stalling so the others could get into position.  I knew what was coming next.  I knew all of their moves like a team member knows the team game plays.  This was not a game though.  Your life and those of the team relied on you anticipating and knowing your role. Bear was trying to calm me, speaking soft reassurances.  "It's OK now Panda, just calm down. Stop fighting me.  We've got you now.  You know how this works, just let the boys do what they do and we can go home.  Don't watch Panda. We will be out of here real soon." 

I still couldn't draw enough breath to protest. I couldn't breathe enough to think rationally. All I could think was he is going to kill them.  All of the revelations that had resurfaced were swimming through my mind.  How he had saved me so many times from so many others.  What had happened to all of those people?  I never saw it. He never let me see what had happened to them and all I remember is that they never, ever came back.  I never actually saw them die and in truth, I don't really know if they did or not.  They never came back so it was a safe assumption that he killed them all.  Now he would kill my friends. 

I watched in horror as Darren, Scratch, and Mat were now ready and Scotty was just about to signal to move.  Mat had replaced Liam's position. I remembered Liam had injured himself, which explained why Mat was here now. I saw the attack play out in my mind's eye.  Darren and Scratch would move first but they were a distraction for Mat and Scotty. Harry was flanked and would not see the assault coming especially as his focus would be drawn to Darren and Scratch heading toward him.  Then Harry simply twisted his wrist so his palms were facing directly at Scotty and Mat.  His fingers stretched out rapidly both Mat and Scotty dropped to their knees. They were not in pain. They looked simply exhausted like their energy was drained from them through their feet.

Darren and Scratch responded immediately, they launched into a joint attack.  Harry responded quickly like he saw everything and knew what they were thinking just as I did.  Then I remembered.  It was the 'Connection' thing, that inexplicable bridge between our minds.  He anticipated their every move just as I did because I did.  I was telling him what was going to happen next unless of course, he was able to read their thoughts as well. He looked at me momentarily shaking his head confirming my suspicions. I was letting him know what was coming next.  He was able to predict and respond to their attack before they made a move.  The panic that only a moment ago was becoming overwhelming subsided.  Finally an upside to the total lack of privacy I have been tolerating.  'DO NOT HURT THEM' I shouted in my mind. I could audibly hear my own voice echo the demand in my head.

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