Super Freak Overdrive - The Catalyst P3

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I woke, coughing violently with Zayne, Bear, Scotty, Darren, Mat, Scratch, Terrasiea and a dripping wet Harry looking down at me. I saw Louis in the background and panic gripped at me again. I sat up and started scrambling backward instinctively needing to put as much distance between us as I could, even if it meant going straight back into the water.

Harry reached for me saying, "Cassie it's OK. Louis wasn't trying to hurt you."

"He tried to drown me." I couldn't move my eyes from Louis, fear forced me to only see the object that put me in danger. He was all I could see and not in a good way. It was like looking at the barrel of a gun and staring directly at the last moments of your life, knowing it was the last moments of your life.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Seriously? Cool your jets. If I wanted to kill you, Cassandra, you would be dead. Are you forgetting you were going into a total and literal meltdown."

"Louis." Harry snapped.

"Don't get all self-righteous with me, little brother. You know as well as I do that I just saved the cats life, not to mention all the other minions around you."

"Don't be melodramatic Louis. There is no way she produced that much heat."

"Mate she was heading to an even 600 Kelvin before I choked her out."

Harry was stunned into silence.

"As amusing as it is to witness this Louis you've just hit the limits of ridiculous. If she was hitting that kind of temperature she would have sucked all the heat from around her or frozen herself into a catatonic state."

"Believe me or don't Terrasiea but I know what I felt." Louis was clearly getting angry.

Harry was staring at me. "How, Louis? How was she doing it?"

"I do not have any idea, Harry. All I know is if I didn't get her into the water I think we would all be ash right now. It was fast Harry. I mean super-fast. Her eyes went all nuclear the way yours do and then she spiraled."

"You know I am right here," I shouted. "Do any of you have a clue of how crap it is when the super freaks are looking at you as if you are an alien." I had to get away from them for a minute. I needed just a minute or two of solitude. It was too intense.

"Sorry Cassie," Harry started. The least he could do was apologise. "No I mean I am not letting you out of my sight."

Awesome. My super-freak was in overdrive. "Like hell Harry. I swear you lot are driving me crazy. If I am going into some kind of nuclear meltdown it is your fault. I have never felt so damn vulnerable and it's freaking me out. I am going for a walk and I swear if you follow me I'm will send you flying the way I did to Louis."

"Cassie ..." Bear attempted to approach me.

"Stop," I shouted. "Bear, please. If I hurt you I would never forgive myself. Please. Let me be." I took off and ran faster than I have ever run before. Everything was a blur around me and the wind in my ears sounded like a cyclone. I stopped and turned back only a few seconds later and I could not see anyone or anything but thick bushland. Wow. I was alone finally. I knelt down and felt the cool earth between my fingers. I felt a charge run through my hands. What the hell was going on? I took a deep breath and felt the cool air move into each and every chamber of my lungs. Something has changed in me. Some kind of switch was activated and now I feel everything. I feel the energy all around me, beneath me, above me and inside me. I look up at the bright morning and close my eyes. I can see it even through my eyelids. The energy pulsing in everything, I am connected to it even as I move through it. I move my hands through the air before my face. Still, my eyes are closed and yet I see the energy, the heat it generates glows and flows out of my skin and mingles with the energy in the air. I twist and turn my hands trying to feel what is so clear to see. I want to capture it, hold it and feel it between my fingers. At this thought, I see waves of energy drawing into my hands merging in minuscule particles with the energy pulsing through my bloodstream. It is the most incredible thing I have ever seen. Considering what I have seen Harry do, I could not have believed anything would be more impressive than that. I continue to draw in the energy and feel it gathering within me.

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