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"God, you really are smooth, aren't you? A girl really needs to have her wits around you." I commenced stacking the dishwasher. Niall helped and when it was done raced upstairs to get clothes for his brother as I wiped the table and kitchen island down. Then he was back downstairs in a flash.

'Now it's time for that coffee." He said. "I have some really nice chocolates in the fridge you get those and go sit in front of the fire. I'll bring the coffee in."

"Niall it's almost three in the morning," I said.

"Did you want to go to bed instead?" He asked in a lascivious tone and his eyebrows raised and lowered three times in rapid succession.

"Niall, stop it." I laughed as I headed to sit before the fire again. There was a chill in the air and although the fireplace was one of those sleek streamlined new trendy gas ones, I found myself really liking it. It had white stones and the flames glowed a mesmerising blue and purple hue it was a captivating mix. Niall put our coffee cups on the stone bench spanning the base of the fire and sat down next to me. We sat simply staring into the flames for a while. At length, I turned to see his expression of deep concern.

"Niall, you're worried about Connor?"

"I've never seen him like this before. He is a true pain in the arse but... he's the only brother I have, and I always just hoped he would work himself out one day."

"Maybe if he went to the police." I couldn't put the conviction into the suggestion that I wanted too. I have very little faith in the police because of my mother.

Niall glared at me with an expression that said, 'You're kidding right'. He picked his coffee cup up and took a sip and then said, "The Police have their own agenda and that doesn't necessarily run in line with keeping Connor safe."

I thought of Bear and how many times he would have taken on an assignment just like this. I wondered if I would be able to suggest it without raising any suspicions. We sat in silence for a little while I contemplated if I should or shouldn't suggest it.

"Maybe there is another way." Finally, I gave in.

"What are you talking about?" His interest piqued so I set about explaining about Bear and SSC, omitting the fact that I was currently working for him of course. I did mention that I trained each morning with them. He didn't dismiss the idea, so I suggested that we go and see Bear and have a chat.

"Maybe." Niall was beginning to see the merit in the suggestion. I suddenly felt completely exhausted, today had been the fullest day and simply sitting before the fire the way we were was sapping any remaining energy I had left. I just needed to lay down. Right here watching the flames dance that hypnotic sway I couldn't imagine a more comfortable place to be. Niall was seated on the floor next to me with his back supported by the lounge. I laid down and rested my head on his leg. I was able to watch the flames, feel their warmth cut through the chill of the early morning and still be in his company. It was a heady mixture. He sat considering our conversation further, absent-mindedly stroking the hair from my face. I felt my consciousness slip and then the welcome darkness of sleep take me over.

I woke feeling suffocated by heat and light burning through my eyelids. Ouch. If it burns the back of my retinas through closed eyes, I was not keen on opening them. I braced myself and slowly attempted to open them. Yep, there it was. My head exploded from the inside out into shards of brittle glass. I clamped my eyes closed against the pain. Oh, too much wine, not enough sleep and certainly nowhere near enough water. I had to go to the bathroom otherwise I would have rolled over and tried to hide from the pain in my head and the turning of my stomach.

I forced my eyes open and waited for my vision to adjust and focus. I was in a bedroom. It was very feminine in its decor. A mix of white and musk pinks. Not exactly the colour scheme I would select for myself, but it had its charms. The bed seemed oversized and overly soft. Large continental pillows surrounded me.

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