Fragile Creatures - Alliances P2

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I woke in a cold sweat sitting bolt upright panting in ... Actually, I'm not sure what it was. Fear, arousal, was it a nightmare or a dream? God how do people function when so much happens in such a short span of time. Everything was becoming so confusing. I was spinning and unable to find an anchor. I had lost so much recently was I rebounding and clinging to anything that gave me the promise of any stability? Is that what all of this is? I really just wanted the world to go on pause for a while so I could figure out what the hell was happening. I needed air. The cavern was suddenly too small with everyone sleeping in it. I climbed out of the sleeping bag, threw my jumper and shoes on and stood up. The fire embers gave off enough light for me to see everyone dimly. I stepped over Scotty and Zayn on my way out of the cavern.

The waterfall was still solid so I couldn't have been asleep for too long. I stepped through the gap that Harry had made earlier in the evening and was grateful I didn't have to get wet on my way out this time. When I was out on the other side of the frozen waterfall I turned to take in the bewildering view. I reached out and touched the ice. How could he have done this? How far up the river was the water frozen? It defied all rationality and yet I was looking at it. My eyes saw the evidence, my hands felt the cold hard truth of it but my mind still struggled to absorb the reality of it.

He truly was something supernatural. I've known this for close to a year now but I've not even thought about the implications of it. I'm not sure if I wanted to think about the implications of it, frankly, they were overwhelming. I turned away from the waterfall and all of its implications. Things were already so complicated I didn't want to compound my confusion so right now I rejected it. I walked over the frozen waterhole to the earth surrounding it. I wasn't sure where I was going I simply needed space. Once I was on solid ground I stopped and thought better of walking into the dense forest. Been there, done that and I didn't want to do that again. So I sat down on the grass and looked up into the myriad of stars lighting the night. They were so much clearer here than in the city. It is a sight worth the trip. Well, at least the trip from the glow worm cave to this oasis as uncomfortable as it was.

I stared at the stars and calmed my breathing, attempting to clear my mind of the dream that woke me. As I did my senses sharpened as they sometimes do. I could see each speck in the sky so clearly, I could count each star if I had the inclination. I turned to face the ground and I could see everything as if it was just an overcast day and not the dead of night. There was no moon to speak of just the slightest slither. Could everyone see so clearly out here like this or is this yet another of my freakish skills.

I heard the crack of a twig to my left and turned to face its origin. I saw a baby sugar glider scurry up a tree. They are the cutest creatures in the bush with their oversized eyes and tiny heads. This one didn't look big enough to be away from its mother.

Looking down I saw its mother on the ground. She had been mauled by something and was close to death. Tears sprang to my eyes as unwanted images of hiding beneath a car invaded my head. I don't remember making any conscious decision or even contemplating how I was going to do it but before I knew it I was scurrying up the tree after the baby glider and pulling it into the pocket of my jumper. I could hear and feel its heart beating so quickly. I had no idea if the little thing would survive but something primal in me snapped and I couldn't just walk away.

I was making my way carefully back down the tree when I heard Bear and Harry speaking in the distance. They were some distance away and I don't think I would have heard them if I wasn't near the canopy of the tree. They had clearly been talking for some time.

"So you work for this big conglomeration of super-freaks like yourself?" Bear questioned

"Well no, but for the purpose of this conversation yes."

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