Dinner, Discussion and Desire - Part 2

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"Wait there." His instruction was not a request, or at least it didn't sound like it. He opened the door and stepped out of the car in one fluid motion. He was captivating to watch. It is no wonder he was so successful in his chosen career. His every movement was graceful and somehow eye-catching.

He walked around the car and then opened the door for me. He held his hand out so as to assist me out of the car. It felt so strange, yet I was grateful, the shoes were a little higher than I was used to so the steadying hand was helpful. Once I was out of the vehicle, I expected him to release my hand, but he did not. He again entwined his fingers through mine and set off toward the restaurant pausing only to thank the driver and tell him he would call when we were ready to leave.

We walked slowly with the harbour stretched out before us toward the restaurant. There were people everywhere.

"Where is Liam tonight?" I suddenly became aware that we seemed alone. Liam, or the superfluous bodyguard, as Niall referred to him, was such a permanent fixture around Niall and also so discreet that I had begun to forget he was even there half the time. The crowds of people surrounding us suddenly made me hyper-aware of the security risk. Not a moment too soon either. It was about time I remembered my true function here, however unpleasant that was for my alter-ego at this moment. My alter-ego wanted to believe that this was indeed a date, that I was some kind of goddess that had enchanted this Adonis next to me. She didn't want me to remember that I was actually on the clock. I wondered how Bear was going to react to this briefly and cringed pushing the thought from my mind. He was not going to be happy. Not even close to it. Maybe he didn't have to know.

"Liam is here somewhere?" I asked.

"Yes, somewhere. I requested that he give us a bit of room this afternoon." Niall answered. "Don't worry Cassie. It seems we might make it to the restaurant without being noticed tonight."

"That is not what concerns me." I couldn't help but switch on my senses. I became hyper-alert and scanned the crowd for any potential risks. The more I scanned the more uncomfortable I became. There was no way I could assess this crowd effectively there were just too many people. They were everywhere. I noticed Liam hanging back about three to five meters behind us. It was a little comforting, but I didn't like how far back he was. Every muscle in my body began to tighten.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked. He must have felt my discomfort.

"Nothing really. I am just not much of a crowd person." I answered still scanning the crowd. Niall tightened his grip and then picked up the pace a bit. We almost made it to the restaurant without being noticed. A group of teenage girls approached us. The one who clearly was the most boisterous asked Niall if they could get a photo and if he would sign an Autograph for her. He graciously agreed and allowed them to get a group photograph. They wanted to get individual shots, but he apologised and excused himself stating he had a dinner he had to get to.

"Who's the bimbo?" One of them asked as he approached me and wove his fingers through mine.

"Really?" He snapped at her giving her a look that intimidated even me. "That was unnecessarily rude not to mention enormously inaccurate. My girlfriend patiently stood and waited for you to take that photo." Girlfriend. He said 'Girlfriend'. My heart rate tripled again. He looked me in the eyes, and I was captivated. He slowly wrapped both my arms with his behind my back and pulled me into him. I was putty in his hands at this point. He winked at me and whispered. "Let's show her." Then leaving one arm around my waist securing both of my hands at the base of my spine he cupped the back of my head with the other hand so I couldn't pull back and then kissed me. He kissed me all hot, heavy and hard in front of everyone. The desire in it surprised me. It ripped my nerve endings from the pit of my stomach up to my throat. I was weightless as his lips brushed over mine. This kiss was different from the kiss in the car, it was lips only. I was too stunned to move. Cameras went crazy all around us, but I barely noticed. I was lost again all at once. The pressure and intensity of it eased as his lips barely brushed over mine. Then all too soon he came up for air placing his forehead against mine. His breathing was ragged and fast again as was I. We stood there attempting to steady ourselves again.

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