The Tutoris Elite - The Catalyst P1

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I woke from disturbed sleep, it seems to be the only type of rest I will ever have will always be disturbed. Rest interrupted by dreams or memories consistently uneasy and sometimes downright frustrating.  I guess it is the least I should expect considering the living hell that has become my life of late but I have to admit I am well and truly over it.  I scan the cavern and hear the crew all in deep rest.  Harry is directly to my left, close enough to reach out and touch. Bear is wide awake at the other end of the shelter.  Clearly, I have my freak on as I can see everything very clearly even though it is blindly dark. By all appearances, Bear looks to be in a deep sleep but I know he isn't.  He is resting but not asleep.  Or at least he was resting. Now he is alert.  Harry too seems on edge as if he has heard something inexplicable.  He turns to face me and holds his forefinger to his lips motioning to me to be quiet.  We wait in silence for a moment and then we hear it again. Harry quickly looks to Bear who silently moves until he is on his feet.  They both are behaving as if there is a threat nearby but if there were I would know it by now.  Instead of waking from a disturbed sleep I would have woken in a wave of nausea and horrid visions if we were in danger. I reach for Harry's arm hoping he can hear my thoughts now and my freak is not cloaking them unintentionally.  His eyebrows pinch together and he nods to indicate that he can hear me. Thank the lord for small mercies.

            'So, what is it?' I question him telepathically. I am still blown away by this connection but right now super grateful we have it. Harry shrugs.  I close my eyes and concentrate trying to evoke a vision that may give me an idea of what is going on.  I see nothing but blackness.  I strain harder.  Darker blackness if that is possible.  My anxiety rises until I realise there is no crippling nausea.  Anytime I sense danger there is nausea but not now.  I'm skeptical but somehow comforted by this revelation.

Suddenly Harry stands and before I can blink he is in front of me blocking my view.  The cavern is filled with cool purple light and I hear Bear wincing but cannot see him clearly.

"Louis," Harry speaks and his tone is strained anxiety and surprise.  The tension in the air is palpable.

"Hen. Little bro, what's-up?" A deep male voice responds, his accent is indistinguishable and strangely out of place with the vernacular he is using, but it is just like Harry's, a velvet tone that feels like a caress as it moves and echoes in the confined space.

"It is wonderful to see you again Harry." A female voice that is intoxicating reverberates through me now.  I find myself liking it despite myself.  "I see you are still in guardianship of the asset.  And as serious about your duty as always.  I must say you look ... well." I could tell that she was giving him the once over and appreciating the view.  Suddenly I was angry and pushed my way outside of Harry's grip so that I could see what was going on.  He forcefully pushed me back behind his large frame so that I was left looking around him like a child peeking around a parent.

"Terrasiea," Harry responded cautiously but not coldly which I found exceedingly disappointing. What kind of name is Terr-a-see-a with a distinctive roll over the R's anyway and more to the point HOW did she know Harry. "It is a surprise to see you both.  I was not made aware that you would be visiting."

"Well, Lil Bro that's cause you ain't been checkin' in like you usually do.  Can't expect the big guy to let you run wild without so much as a by your leave buddy." Louis moved gracefully around the cavern looking down at the crew as he stepped over them and towards me.  Harry shuffled me around to ensure that he was always between Louis and I. "Dude, cut it out, I want a look see. Nothing to fear from me and Siea."

"Do not call me Siea, Louis.  I will not ask again." Her words were sharp and a menacing tone delivered a promise rather than a threat.

"What are you doing here Louis?" Harry asked.

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