Chaos - Too Far Part 2

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I was released the next day with strict orders not to do anything that might tear the wound open again. Niall drove me home and stayed with me for the day. I was to take a week before I was allowed back at work. Niall, praise the lord, could only take the day off. He was fussing so much it drove me crazy. By Tuesday afternoon, however, I was missing his company enough to tolerate his fussing. He called three times and sent Michelle, (one of the Monkeys as he referred to them), with an oversized lunch and a little note saying that makeup was displeased with me because they had their work cut out covering the finger marks on his cheek. He then added that I shouldn't worry over their displeasure because he was angry with them as the reminder of how he got the marks on his cheek only made him miss me more. How cute. I caught up on sleep and some stupid TV over the next five days and was busting to get back to work. Niall had spent the week either sleeping at the studio because the hours were so extreme or at my place fussing. Connor had spent the week with Bear and Sarah. They were getting a good start on gathering the required intelligence they needed, and Connor was safe in their care. Although they never told him that was part of the reason, they asked him to stay with them. They had said they needed all the information he could give them. I had avoided the world for one full glorious week.

Monday had arrived and I was now OK to start back at work. I didn't have to worry about Niall trying anything that might break his neck at the moment as he spent every spare moment with me.

The next two weeks were spent in much the same way. My shoulder closed over completely. Niall and I were getting back to our old ways. We had dinner with Bear and Sarah on Thursday night, and it ended up with him ambushing me at the car again. It seems that being in the vicinity of a vehicle did something to him. Connor broke up that particular ambush when he came out and asked Niall if he would mind if he could stay at Niall's rented MacMansion on Saturday night. He had a date with some random girl, and he didn't feel right if things progressed to bring her back to Sarah and Bear's house. Niall agreed but he told Connor that he and I would be there.

"I don't mind if you don't Bro," Connor replied. "I'll take the west wing." He laughed. "I might see you, I might not. It's entirely possible in that place that we might never see each other again."

Niall apologised but he didn't feel that leaving Connor alone was such a great idea yet. "Wasn't that long-ago Cassie that he had fallen well off the wagon? I just want to be there for him this time." I understood of course. In fact, I would have suggested it myself if he hadn't. My reasoning was a little different from his. Connor was in danger and even though it seemed that his friends in low places had forgotten him, I could almost certainly guarantee they had not.

Saturday came around quickly and before I knew it, we were in Niall's car on our way home and I was obsessing about what was to come. I found myself completely distracted.

Niall pushed the button to the garage door opener and watched peacefully as the roller door slowly ascended into the ceiling of the garage. He drove slowly into the garage and then pressed the button again, so the door slowly slid down. He turned and looked at me for a moment. "Tired?" He asked softly.

"A-hum." I answered with barely more than a mumble. I was exhausted. There is nothing like the sun and fresh air to wipe you out. It had been a glorious day filled with first for me. My first time Skydiving. It was indescribable. What a rush. It was made more intense by the view on the way down. We jumped over the coast, so the scenery alternated between mountains to the east and the open sea to the west. We landed on a beach. It was really the most overwhelming experience. All of my senses were overstimulated, and the adrenaline rush had me wired for hours. Now of course as my blood chemistry returned to normal, I felt utterly drained.

"I'll get the wine; you go and pour a bath." He instructed as a suggestive shadow darkened in his eyes.

"That sounds like the perfect way to finish a perfect day." I figured it might burn off any residual adrenaline. I leaned closer craving contact with his warmth. He always seemed to run a few degrees hotter than I did. On cool nights like this, it was quickly becoming one of my favourite of life's little luxuries.

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