A Phoenix's Proposal

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"This feels...nice."

After winning the game for the Occult Research Club, Y/N's whole right arm was devastated from the attack he pulled off against Sona, prompting Asia to tend to his ravaged arm, the pain from releasing that large ball of fire still ringing. 

Seems like Y/N finally unlocked this mysterious power of his, but to make things even more difficult, he couldn't let it loose without fully blowing his arms.

"That was really amazing, Y/N!" Kiba encouraged, comforting the teen as he held a hand out to the human's shoulder, the latter smiling back as he watched the rest close in on him.

"You should've seen the look on both the Presidents' faces," Akeno chuckled, acknowledging the teen's power, "So, fire's your secret power huh?" 

"No, that wasn't fire," Rias spoke, training her eyes on Y/N as she walked forward, grasping the teen's newly healed arm, "That fire....it was hotter and brighter than any flame I've encountered. I believe Y/N's power source...derives from the Sun."

That would make sense. Ever since the Fallen Angel incident, the Sun has felt like paradise every time Y/N would meet it's grasp. This would also explain why people around him would feel hot whenever he began to absorb the sunlight.

"How did you do it?" Rias asked, growing all the more curious of the Y/N's ability. The latter simply looked at his hand before back at Rias, replying with a shrug of his shoulders.

"It kinda activated when I rushed to stop that ball from reaching you," He admitted, balling his hand tightly as he remembered what happened moments ago, "I had a sudden drive to put myself forward, to protect you of sorts. That's when my hand began to amass."

As talks of Y/N's power grew more and more prominent, Issei was getting more discouraged. Realising that if he did anything to ruin Rias' chances of helping Y/N, he would be bare the brunt of such treachery, and so he had to bite, for now atleast. 


 "Our esteemed Occult Research Club has successfully defeated the student council!" Rias cheered as she held a toast up for her peers, "And we owe our success to you all."

"Though, Y/N's clutch managed to pull us the victory," Kiba noted brushing against Y/N's shoulder with his as he also brought light to Issei's headbands, "Not to mention you Issei. Thanks to these headbands, we had great solidarity."

"You two really made our club shine out there tonight!" Akeno beamed with a bright smile, followed by Asia who cheered the pair on, "Good job you guys!"

"U-uh...thanks, I guess," Y/N thanked, standing awkwardly beside a cheerful Issei who held tightly on Kiba's hands, expressing his perverted thoughts, "Man! If you were a chick right now, I'd totally make out with you!!!"

"I'd hate to break up the celebration but I think it's best if we get these two a couple of familiars," Rias chimed, watching Akeno create a bright red portal beneath her as a strong pull gravitated from the spot. 

"Wait! You mean we're going right now?" Asia asked.

"Tonight's a full moon, it'd be our best shot to see him," Rias coursed as she walked towards the glowing red circle, "Care to accompany us, Y/N?"

"I wanna know what I blew my arm out for so yeah sure," He responded tiredly before trekking towards the circle. Moments later, the red circle shined brightly across the room before transporting the group to a distant place.

It was a dark forest with red skies for moonlight instead of the natural colours it would usually have. The newest trio scanned the woods intently as the setting they were in reminded them of a typical horror film.

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