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Its been a week since Lottie's been home. Zach's been upset over hanging up on Jack and is dying for Jack to call. Lottie's met the boys and is slowly warming up to her brothers.

The boys absolutely adore Charlotte. Corbyn and Daniel try their best to help in anyway they could. Charlotte is more comfortable with Zach than she was when found.

Zach walked outside after Jonah was asleep, Corbyn and Daniel were on the couch with Charlotte watching a movie. He got the mail out of the mailbox and was overjoyed seeing 4 envelopes.

He ran inside slightly crying because he thought Jack hated him. His anxiety gets the best of him alot.

"Daddy whats wrong?" Corbyn asked the older man confused. He looked at the envelopes and smiled.

"Papa wrote to us!?" Corbyn squealed happily, running over to his daddy. Daniel scooted over to his sister slowly as to not scare her away.

     "Our papa wrote to us Lottie!" He smiled and Charlotte looked scared and confused. "You already know that papa works in the Army, We haven't seen him in 4 months. He calls us on this app called Skype and writes to us whenever he can"

    The little girl nodded, seeing how happy that made Daniel.

The letters

Dear Amore,
      I'm sorry for upsetting you. I never meant to upset you in anyway Zach, I just want to see a smile on your face and hear your sweet laugh, I wanna see you playing with the boys, I just want you happy Amore. You and the boys are my world, I don't want to lose you, the boys. There's only 4 months left till you are in my arms again. Till the boys are in my arms again. Mack has helped me out with the fight, well more of an argument, we had. I've realized that sometimes I need to let you rant to me about your problems and give you some space. I understand and respect that. I don't want us to disappear. I don't want know what I'd do. But I know when I get home we are going to surprise the boys at school. I promise you, just like I did during our vows 5 years ago, that I'll be there every step of the way Amore. Whenever you need to talk, then talk to me. I love you and the boys with every fiber in me. Tonight, take the boys outside and lay in the grass. Look up at how many stars there are. That's not ever a sliver of how much I love you guys. I love you Zachary. I love you so damn much. Promise me you'll talk to me when you need to and when I'm able to call.
                     Love your husband, Jack

Dear Bean,
    Make sure that Daddy's happy. Make sure Danny and Joey are happy. Make sure you are happy. I want a smile plastered on your faces. I hope you're doing good In school, I hope you've made some friends. I've made a friend over here in the army. His name is Mack. He's just like my stepdad. Always there when you need him. He helps me when Daddy can't. I want you to be like that. I'm not saying that you have to be as hard as a rock, and you can't show any emotions at all. I don't want you bottling up your feelings. I just want you to be a good person and be there for people who need you, your Daddy and brothers. I want them to be there for you too. There's less than four months till I'm home. So I want you to be Daddy's little helper at home. Promise me that? I love you Corbyn. I'll call soon and I'll see you guys in four months.
                                            Love papa ❤️

Dear Bubba,
     I hope your cute little bright smile is on point. I want you making others smile and I want them making you smile. It'll not only make them feel better, but it'll make you feel better as well. And I cannot believe that you are six. SIX! you are growing up too fast bubba slow down! Haha. I hope you are doing well in school and making some friends. Keep yourself and others happy yeah? I also want you to not keep things tucked away. I want you to be able to talk to papa and Daddy alright? Be good and if you're mad, close your eyes and count down from 10. You dont wanna be blowing up on anyone. I cannot wait for four months to be over with. I'll be home in less than four months. Promise me you will keep yourself happy and others? And to talk to Papa or Daddy about whatever is wrong? I love you Daniel.
                                          Love, Papa ❤️
  Dear Joey,
     You can't read this yet so let Daddy read it to you. I love how you are always happy and giggly. Your cute little giggles make my heart swell with adoration. Your brothers really love you Jonah. When you grow up you should be. No you WILL be supportive and helpful just like Daddy and your brothers. Daddy loves you Papa loves you and I highly bet that our family's love you. I want you to stay happy all the time I really do. But I know that's not possible. I get home in four months. I wanna hear that beautiful laugh of yours when I get there. I love you baby boy and I'll see you in less than four months.
                                       Love Papa ❤️

Back to reality

     "What about Lottie's letter?" Daniel and Corbyn asked. Zach frowned but smile at the same time (does that make sense?)

      "He doesn't know that Lottie is here yet. But once he gets to call or gets letters, he will" Zach explained to the boys. The boys nodded and heard a cry from upstairs. Zach smiled and walked upstairs going to the crying baby's room. 

     "Hey Jobear!" Zach cooed, picking his son up. "did you potty?" The father asked checking Jonahs diaper. He scrunched his nose at the foul baby smell. Zach quickly changed Jonah and put a paci in the baby's mouth. 

      "All clean!" Zach said and nuzzled their noses together softly. Jonah giggled and left a slobbery kiss on Zach's slightly chapped lips after taking out his paci. 


    here is the Chapter! I have like a little less than half of chapter 13 done so I'll finish that in school lol. Guess who has a boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep bitches and hoes its me! any gay...... Subscribe to my YouTube channel its Cheyenne Rotunda. My Instagram is Cheyrotuundaaaaa

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