Eternally Tortured

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Vic's POV

Tony had brought me here a month ago. Its hell. I miss Kellin and his smile and his laugh. Im in a asylum with a stupid nurse that calls itself Frank Iero. All I do here is sit in my room in a homely corner, just rocking back and forth. "I'll get to you Kellin. I promise you." I whisper.

Frank walks in "Hello Vic, how are you today?" He asks with a genuine smile on his face. As normal I ignore the happy fucker. Im depressed,I hate happy people,I hate them with a deadly passion. I want Kellin back. "Vic, I'm here to help you. I can't help you if you don't talk to me. Please say something" Frank pleads. I look up at him and his black hair is over his eye as per normal and his blue scrubs are neat as well. I shake my head and look at the floor. "Kellin. Kellin. Kellin."I whisper his name over and over and I hear Frank sigh. "Vic..." he starts but I cut him off. "No!!! Why am I here!!! Im mourning!!!! I don't have to be here!!!! Lots of peolple mourn the dead!! I miss him! I miss him much.." I break into tears near the end and I feel his arm around me. I cry into his chest. For a long time I sit like that,my throat hurts from the sobs and my face is itchy from the tears.

Frank helped me clean myself up after 2hours of me just rocking me back and forth. "Sometimes things don't work out the way we planned. To live is just to fall asleep, to die is to awaken." I mumble as Frank tucks me in for the night, not like I'll sleep. "Well maybe were ment to lose the ones we love, but I'll fight for you tell then." I say again as he closes the door. I hear him sigh and the door closes. Good night Kellin. I love you.

Kellin's POV

I don't know how long its been, maybe a month. All I know is I havnt seen Vic in a really long time. Gerard has locked me in this room and hasnt come back for a day or two. "I love you Kellin" I look up and see Vic. I feel like crying cause I know its just a figment of my imagination.  I cant cry here though. I hear laughter from next to me and jump alittle. You know that saying 'you'll be tortured in hell'  well that saying is true, but you dont get tortured by someone or something. You get tortured by yourself, all your happy memories from life are played before you. They feel real but when you try going to live them again. They faid away. "This is halurious!" Gerard laughs next to me. I cross my arms and bring my knees to my chest. "This boy, Vic. He cheated on you and you still love him." He says. I look up at his face. His hair is red as ever and his eyes are a clear hazel.  "Of course I do. It was a mistake. He didn't mean it." I yell at his face. He smirks at me and shrugs. "Do you wanna join me at the karaoke night tonight. Well, you sing your own songs or karaoke songs. Wanna."  He asks like its nothing.  I stare at him with wide eyes. "Uhh ok I guess. Do I have to sing?" I ask. He shrugs "If you want to you can." He says getting up. "I'll send Mitch for you." He says and vanishes. I sigh and look at the wall were an image of Vic shows up. He's lying in a bed and talking to himself. I remember awhile back a image came up that Tony was walking him into an asylum.  My poor Vic. "I miss you"  I hear him say. "I miss you too Viccy"

There u go. First chapter. Tell me wat you think. I got this idea from an exam I wrote and I thought of this instead of actually doing it. Oops. Oh well.
Ill update soon. Enjoy


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