Beneath the Skin

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Big ass reveal in the next chapter so read this and quess what it is. 

Kellin's POV

I'm just lying here. i can feel that there are people in the room with me but i cant turn my head to see who. I see a figure above me, I dont seem to recognize him. "Hey Kell's. I miss you. I wish you'd come  back to...... His eyes are open! Help help!"  The figure was yelling at no one. I felt my eyes closing.  "No Kells, stay awake, please." He yells at me. My eyes close and black.

I wake up with a start. What was that. I look the ceiling and see a 'CG' I sigh and get up to go see Gerard.  I put my top on and start looking around for him. "Gee. Im here. What do you want?" I yell out randomly.  "Jesus, I'm right here shut up." He yells at me from behind. I jump and look at him. "What? Why'd you call me?"I ask getting straight to the point.  He shrugs "Write a song and sing it for the karaoke" he says and disappears. Okay, got my work cut out for me since karaoke is tomorrow. 

I get to my room and sit.  I think about the lyrics for the song. My mind drift to Vic, the look of pain painted across his face when I turned and looked at him. I need to see him again and soon. I need to excplain why I was doing it. Well i had no excplaination, just that I was bored and Matty was there. I look down at my black page and words flow through my finger's. I sing it for the tune and tone I need. I think its pretty good, now all I need to do is go see Gerard about Vic being here for it.

I get to his room and knock on his door. 'Gerard. I need to speak with you about something!" Iyell through his thick door. I hear a groan and the door is opened to a reveal a very bad looking Gerard. "What!!!!" he yelled at me. I jump back not excpecting the harsh sound. "Uh... I want to ask a favour?" i said questioning myself whether it was a good time or not. "Sorry, What is it?" he asked more gentally. "I was wondering if you could bring Vic here for Karaoke. My uh... song is about him and I need him to hear it." I say and ask desprately. He looks at me with a pained excpression and nods. "Okay, I'll get him here. Trust me" he saysand closes his door."

I wonder what his problem was. I think as i walk back to my room. When I open my door I find Matty on my bed cross legged with my song in his hand reading it. "Hey, don't look at that!!!" i screech out of no where. I see him jump and look up at me. "Who is this about Kellin?" Matty asks smiling. "Vic, do you like it?" I ask and he nods furiously. I nod "Im singing it to him tomorrow at Karaoke" i state and he smiles. "Thats awesome dude!" he says getting up. "I got to go, but I'll talk to you later" He says heading for the door. He looks really upset. I grab his hand and pull him back. "Whats wrong Mattty?" i ask and he shakes his head. "I just heard and saw something I didn't want to." he says looking me in the eye and then walking out.


I was nervous for tonight. I didn't know if Vic was here or not cause I was already back stage with Matty waiting for Gerard to do his Intro. "Hey everyone. Enjoy tonight, see ya." He says quickly and walks off the stage. "He's here." he states and walks away. My heart jumps to my throat. I take a deep breath and walk  onto the stage, after giving the quitar music to Mitch to play while i sing. I look out to the crowd and see Caitlin and Vic standing next to eachother looking at me.

"Hey, you all know me from the past so yeah. This is dedicated tosomeone in the crowd, someone I have been dating for a ona and a half years, but who I have recently cheated on. So I just hope he can forgive me." I say looking at Vic thewhole time. He has a straight face on just looking blankly at me. I swallow andnodat Mitch to start playing the music.

"There's so many things that I could say

But I'm sure it would come out all wrong

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