Hello fun.

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Vic's POV(present day)

"Vic are you ok!" I hear Frank yell through the bathroom door. I roll my eyes "No I'm drowning in the shower." I yell back sarcastically.  I can hear his eyes roll and I laugh. "Haha very funny" he yells and I hear him leave as I swith the shower off. I wanna see Kellin again.

I walk straight into Frank and yelp. "Dude. You know what stay outta my way." I'd gotten closer and more friendly with Frank since I started seeing Kellin, I think this place could be better if I can continue to see Kellin,  which I have for the last week.

We have talked about tons of things, such as if he will come back and what we are and where we are at. It's shit that he's dead and I'm alive in an asylum.  "Viiiic,  I want to sing. Come sit with me and let me sing." Andy came and whined at me. I was all to happy to ablidge.  His singing, I have figured, is what sends me to hell for Kellin. "Awake at night you focus, on everyone who's hurt you. Then write a list of targets, your violent lack of virtue." He sings lightly in my ear and I drift in and out of consciousness.  It finely drifted into blackness.

Kellin POV

I sat there for hours listening to music outside. It's continuesly there. "Hey Kelli."I hear from next to me. I jump but relax and smile when I see Vic. I lean forward and kiss him. He moaned into It and breaks it. "Why you always in the same room" he asks looking at the door at the end of the room.  I shrug. Now that I think of it, I never hear a key and Gerard just walks in. "Let's check out the door." I suggests and he nods. I can see he wants to do something new with the time we have. I walk to the door and turn the knob. Surprise is etched on both our faces when the door swings open. I look at him and smile. "Finally something to do. Wait! You've never tried to open the door!" he asks in surprise. I shack my head. He looks  at me in shock but takes my hand as we walk out.

Vic looks around in awe. It is a big black space that glowed purple and people were romeing around and dancing to the very loud, obnoxious music. I look at Vic who's bobbing his head to the drums and guitars. I like this. I see to red heads walking up to us. A guy that looked 18 with glasses and a girl that looked 15, both smiled at us. "Hey, new comers" the girl said chirply and I waved. "Hey, what your names." Vic asked out of nowhere. "I'm Matty Mullin's and this is my Un biological sister Caitlin Morgan" the boy, Matty,  says. "I'm Kellin and this is my Boyfriend Vic." I say and Caitlin look at us. "He isn't dead" she says pointing at Vic. He look flabbergasted "How do you know that?" He asks in shock. She shrugs and looks at Matty. "Food room?" She suggests. Matty nods and looks at us "You coming?" He raises an eyebrow at us. I look at Vic and he nods "Sure!" I say and we head off.

A/n- Caitlin Morgan is my best friend and I just wanted her in it. Just to let her know I think of her as mattys sister. . Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment.

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