The End

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The Void.  Perfect... and seemingly empty, the dark stretched on throughout forever, without conflict or contradiction.  The Void was everything... and nothing.

And yet for all the emptiness, it still posed questions.  Just what was 'The Void'?  Where did it come from?  Why did it exist?

And it was there that the problem lay: questions.  Always questions.  Could it be truly empty?  What if The Void was not alone?  What were the alternatives?

That spark of doubt was all it took.  The possibility that something could arise from nothing lay at the heart of The Void.  For The Void was not empty.  The Void contained every thing that could ever possibly be.  As a whole it appeared as nothing: each happening paired with the opposite 'unhappening', but, for a half-blind, half-mad creature those essential 'unhappenings' ceased to exist.

In the blink of a non-existent eye, the perfection of emptiness exploded into Chaos.  In a cry of pain The End came.  Perfection was sullied by doubt and that doubt took form.

Confused, unsure, The Child of the Void cried out in a roar that echoed through eternity.

In the place of darkness there came light.  The Child clung to that light.  To The Child the light was good.  The light was warm.

In The First Moments of Time, the remnants of The Void reached out to embrace the wayward creature, to call it back into the peace of non-existence, but The Child turned away in fear.  The Child sought light... sought warmth... sought to make sense of The Chaos.

The End of Peace had come, but from the depths of forever The Void would return:  The Void would take back its unruly Child.

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