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Twelve hooded men sat in a circle on finely carved black chairs.  A polished marble floor shone white in front of them, marked with symbols and a large pentagram within a red circle.  At the centre of the circle stood the man in black silk., the confident smile, as ever, on his face.

'K'Emchek.  Do we have The One?'  Old and dusty, the voice croaked its question.

'He is almost in our grasp.'

'Almost?'  A skein of anger split the old voice.

'The Peytahn, Gamesh, has sworn to deliver him to us.  He is in Kimlar... along with The Betrayer... and another.'

'Ah, The Three, have come together.  Who is this other?'

'Just a half-breed Peytahn.'

'The prophecy must stop here.  They must die.  When you have them, the K'Vathin will ship them to Chenga.  Once there, there will be no escape.'

'Lord... one question?'


'If he is The One, how do we hold him?'

'His weakness is his friend... The Betrayer.   Hold him and you have the other two.  Use all your guile and we will have the hundred K'Vathin of the Mara-Tong ready.'

'Will this be The Beginning of the End for the Wode?'

'It will begin here.  We shall turn race upon race, slave upon master, daughters upon mothers and sons upon fathers.  The creatures of The Void will stalk the land.  The Wode shall burn and become the ash from which we will rise.  This world shall be cleansed and the perfection of the darkness returned.'  As the hooded figure with the ancient voice spoke these words, he banged a black staff upon the white marble floor.

'May The Void make it so.'  All twelve voice spoke as one.

'K'Emchek... the power of the Kula-Mar is with you.  Now, be gone.'

The black silk figure of K'Emchek drew the small metal object from his cloak and pressed it to his palm.  Blue lightning crackled and the man was gone.

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