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In Deneb, the world had changed.  The Kula-Mar had gone.  Back under the command of Karrack Korim, the Shardahn Legion had rounded up the Kula-Mar mercenaries.  With their paymasters gone, the Kula-Mar guards gave little resistance.  The Shardahn Legion had new recruits: a Peytahn captain called Gor-Kahn and forty Peytahns, a Verelag captain called Puri, with a band of cat-like companions under her command, and a Shaddan captain called Tharl, who led a mixed squad of Shaddan, Murga, Treaga and Mino-bultai.  There was even, for the first time, a K'Vathin captain, named K'Marg, who led a band of K'Vathin and Turrah.  For some reason, the new recruits seemed a lot hardier, tougher and eager to deal with any trouble the Shardahn Legion faced.  A new Shardahn Temple had been buit in the city and Shardahn Monks walked the streets of Deneb once more, spreading a feeling of good will... and beginning to take care of the street urchins and low-lives of the city.

The supply of spice had dried up.   No more boats came from the Island of World's End.  The spice trade was over. 

In Kimlar, travellers stopped off at the inn.  Tales were told of two beautiful barmaids there... and that seemed to draw custom from far and wide.  Some crazy settlers had even started to clear away the ash that covered the land and tried to start farming.  A single blood-red rose had been found, growing from a bush next to the Inn of Kimlar.

Back in Deneb, the Shardahn Legion had thrown open the doors to the Kula-Mar storehouses, only to find them empty.  All the grain, silks, spice ... and all the gold had gone.

On the streets of Deneb there were rumours as to where the Kula-Mar had gone.  Some said they had sailed off in the night.  Others said that the Shardahn Legion, at last, had dealt with them.  And, there were those who said that they would be back.

But, for now, there was peace on K'Vath... and for that, the people were glad.

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