Draining Away

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Gamesh hadn't gone far from the entrance of the Kula-Mar compound, before he heard a commotion and the sound of shouting guards behind him.  It looked as if the alarm had been raised and they were on his trail.

The box of small metal cylinders, or blades, was still safe beneath his arm.  He ducked into the shadow of a building.  Morning was now only a few hours away and he needed to find shelter, before the sun rose.

It was then, that he heard a series of clicks come from the box under his arm.  Click... click... click and again: thirteen small clicks, and a fourteenth click from the pocket of his cloak.  A worried frown began to form on his face, but he acted too slowly.  His arm began to drop the box, but, all too late.  A thunder clap blasted the air, as the box imploded.  Gamesh's arm was wrenched from its socket and then simply vanished into nothingness.  His right side and right leg were vapourised in an instant, too.

Gamesh fell heavily to the snowy ground, with blood gushing from his right side.  He looked across, to see his life force forming a dark pool on the snow-covered ground.  Gamesh knew he had seconds left, in which to act.  He closed his eyes and turned his mind towards the wounds.  The gushing slowed, became a trickle, and then stopped.  Skin began to grow over the broken bones and blood vessels.

It was then that the guards came around the corner.  Gamesh saw their faces, but they hadn't seen him... not yet.

To Gamesh's left was an open grating to the sewers.  With his left arm and leg, he clawed his way towards the dark opening... and felt himself slide, then drop down into nothing.

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