Facing the Void

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Dawn rose over Deneb.  The sun shone bright and the city gates were wide open.  The fears of the city being sacked by the Peytahns had come to nothing and the rumours were that the Peytahns were no longer on K'vath: some said they had left, others told old wives' tales about demons hunting down the clans of Bounty-Hunters, but, in any case, for Deneb, it was back to business as usual.  Merchants and loose women hawked their wares on the streets, and the ale houses and spice dens were heaving: gold flowed into the city... and the Kula-Mar took the lion's share.  Many wondered just what the Kula-Mar did with all that gold.

The Shardahn Legion stood atop the walls, and walked the streets, but all was quiet.  After a hard winter, the people were looking forward to a fresh spring and a good summer.  Morning became afternoon, and afternoon faded into dusk and then night.

The two guards at the gates of the Kula-Mar compound were glad that winter was over.  They looked out on to the street from their guard-house, and tried to stay awake.  It had just gone midnight, when they saw some movement along the road... and heading there way.

'Aye, aye, best look lively, lad.'  The older guard grabbed his pike and the younger guard followed suit.  'You know what happened to the last lot of men that let someone in here.  Get ready for trouble.'

'Aye, Sir.'  The younger guard just nodded.

'Who goes there?'

'Evening gentlemen.  Fancy an ale?'  In front of the two guards, stood Simarl, Leyla and Mia-Karla.  Simarl was dressed in fine silks, and carried a jar of ale, Leyla now looked as if she was a buxom woman in her twenties and Mia-Karla looked just like a comely wench, with a wry mischievous smile.

Simarl spoke again.  'You could always have something warmer... if you'd like.'  As Simarl said this, he gestured at the two women, who had all the appearances of ladies of the night.

The older guard was about to tell the three of them to get lost, when he caught the scent of Mia-Karla, and her blue eyes locked upon his.  'Well, er, well.'  His brain was befuddled and he struggled to find any words.

The younger guard's eyes surveyed Leyla, or rather the body of the woman that he could see.  He turned to the older guard.  'What you say, Sir?'

The older guard gulped.  'Well, er, I guess a quick ale wouldn't do any harm.  Quick, you lot... into the guard-house.'

In a matter of moments, Simarl, Leyla and Mia-Karla were inside the small guard-house.

'Oh my those pikes do look big!'  Mia-Karla spoke and ran her finger down the older guard's weapon.  'They must get awfully heavy.'  As she said this, the guard felt the weight of the pike seem to grow in his hand... and all he wanted to do was put it down.  'Is that rack over there, where the pikes usually stand?'

'Aye, that's where they're kept.'

'How about you put it over there.'  Mia-Karla made the suggestion and the old guard did as he was told.  'And, you young man... how about you put yours there, too.'

'Right you are.'  The young guard was putty in Mia-Karla's hand.  The older guard began to frown, but Mia-Karla wafted her scent his way and placed a finger on the guard's lips.  'How about a quick kiss?'  As Mia-Karla spoke, Leyla moved over to the younger guard and ran her finger down his neck.  Shivers ran down his spine.

Simarl stood, amazed, as he watched the two men fall under the women's spell.  Both guards had forgotten he was even there.  The guards' eyes were locked on the blue eyes of Mia-Karla and Leyla and that was all they saw.  The two predatory women closed in on their prey, who stood, frozen, like rabbits.  The men's eyes closed and they opened their lips.

ChengaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora