The Darkness Unleashed

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The Kula-Mar Elder stared down at the chest and the missing box, his shoulders hunched over and his head stooped forward.  The other Kula-Mar were gathered behind him.

'And no-one knows who did this?'  Silence was his only reply.  A good few seconds went by.

'Lord, what are you orders?'  It was V'Skar who spoke, V'Skar who was now second in ranking, after  K'Emchek had now been killed, not once, but twice.  This ran through V'Skar's mind as he waited for a reply, along with the thought that 'once was unfortunate... twice was just being careless.'

The Elder still stared at the space in the chest where the missing box had been.  'Hmmm, the loss of the mourn blades is of no importance.  Make sure that control detonates the missing mourn blades; that should give our thief a little surprise.'  The Elder chuckled to himself.

'And the loss of K'Emchek... once more?'  V'Skar was waiting for the Elder to show anger.

'Well, that falls in with our plans to eliminate him.  It turns out he was under instructions to collapse our system.  Our thief here has done us a great service, it would seem.'  Once again the Elder chuckled.

'And the Peytahns at The Pass?  What of them?'  Was nothing going to disturb the Elder's good mood today, V'Skar wondered.

'Hmmm, I'm thinking this was their handy work.  We were lucky that they did not damage the Casimir Engine.  They are getting a little too close for comfort.  Perhaps it is time they had a little taste of the power of The Void.  Come, my brothers, let us loose the Shadows.'

As one, the twelve Kula-Mar moved off, to stand in a circle in front of their council seats.  As one, they raised their small silver cylinders... the devices known as mourn blades.  The blue lights on the blades shone out, but a cold blackness descended on the room.  It began in the smallest corners, but then grew, like a pitch black, billowing cloud, which rose around the twelve hooded men.  Within the darkness were eyes of pure black, claws, talons, and twisted arms and legs, that writhed and grasped at the air.

The Kula-Mar lowered their mourn-blades and the Elder addressed the gathered creatures of The Void, with just five words:

'Kill the Peytahns on K'Vath.'

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