Spider's Web

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In the darkened chamber of the Kula-Mar Council,  a smear of blood, lay on the white marble floor.  Slowly, the smear coalesced: its shape changing.  It flowed together and took form... a tiny red spider, covered in small black hairs and with two fangs, of which it was proud.

The spider flexed its legs.  It felt good to move.  The spider felt fury... felt hunger, but that felt good.  There was something it had to do.  It scuttled across the floor and then into the dark.  It needed somewhere out of the way... somewhere safe, to feed... and to grow.

For some reason, it was drawn towards a golden chair, which sat in a gilded sphere, at the centre of the room.  It scuttled across, and climbed its way to the underside of the seat.  It spun a web and sat in the middle of the web, beneath the seat.  And it had been just in time.  A small fly buzzed towards it and caught in the web.

The struggling fly made the strands of the web vibrate.  To the spider the slight movements were the call to go eat.  It sped across its web, wrapped the fly in silk, slowly spinning, and sank its fangs into the fly.  The fly, a mosquito, had been full of human blood.  To the spider that blood tasted good.  As the blood-red spider ate, it felt its strength returning.  It felt itself grow.

It was then that the bearded man, with the red face, pointed ears and small horns on his head entered the sphere and sat on the chair.  The door to the sphere clicked shut.  The bearded man pulled the lever.  Like a bubble in time, the sphere held still, while all around it rushed headlong into nothingness.

In just a matter of moments, the sphere began to fall back into sync with all that was around it; except now it was in a different place... and a different time.

The bearded man stepped out of the spherical cage and stalked off into the dark... in search of his own prey.

The blood-red spider sniffed the air and tasted its new surroundings.  Maybe there was bigger prey out there.  It sniffed the air... and smelt a familiar scent, but couldn't remember just what that scent meant.  For some reason that scent called it to move.

The spider moved from under the chair and off into the chamber.  The chamber looked just the same as the place where the spider had first found itself.

The spider followed the familiar scent... off into the dark.  It would go where the scent led, it would find bigger prey... and what felt best of all... it would hunt!

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