The start (C1)

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Me and Error sat down as soon as the bell rang. "You coming Ink?" I picked up the paintbrush (Her paintbrush) that was strangely big and strapped it to my back. "Yeah!" I tied my jacket around my waist and ran to Error. "It's my turn to walk you home." I smiled. His house was much farther than mine, but I'd take the walk. "What you wanna talk about?" Error asked. "I dunno." We were silent most of the time. Once we were half way a cat got in front of us and mewed. "Error it's looking at you." He glanced at the cat and brought out his hand. The cat bit his hand and Error dropped. I dropped my backpack and quickly sat down and rubbed Error back, but the cat launched and bit me. "Enjoy?" The cat asked (Idk why) and ran off. "Error can you stand?" I asked. "Yeah.." I pulled him up. "I bet the cat was just mean," Error sighed and held onto my arm. I wasn't showing it, but I felt weak myself. "Error, you Alright?" I asked. He looked tired already, I felt tired. I went to the side walk and we both sat down. "Let's just sit for a moment." I looked at the sky. "Kay I'm Ready." He stood up and reached out his hand. I grabbed his hand and pulled he me up. When I walked in (Me and his mom were good friends) she invited me in. Mom never minded if I was at a friends house. "Thanks!" I got in. I saw Error sweat and put his hand to his neck and told me to not say anything quietly. "Y'all took longer than expected, what happened?" She asked. Error sighed and looked at me. "I had detention and since Ink was waiting patiently they let me go early," His mom looked mad, she didn't notice he lied. I saw him sweat as she stood. "Cmon Error lets go to the park." I grabbed his hand  and we left. Kids yelled and laughed. "I remembered when we were kids, but now we're about to graduate and move." I looked at Error.  "I remember too.." he looked down. "That was stupid to say." I looked at him and saw him tear up. When he was in elementary before I moved there he told me his mom was not so abusive, but when I moved he got the bruises, his mom was very abusive to him. I felt sorry for him. "Why didn't anyone tell Cps or anything, or the cops?" I asked as he looked at at fading bruises. "She told me she will kill me and grabbed the gun." I was shocked. "You know what, I'm gonna tell your mom no matter what, I don't wanna want to see you hurt." I stood. "Come on Error." As soon as he stood he black out and I felt dizzy.

Neko Female Ink X ErrorWhere stories live. Discover now