Soul? (C3)

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We couldn't forcefully take a soul but we needed one, so I could feel, feel anything, feel..... love! A person stopped by. Mom jumped. "I have a deal." He brought his hands out and rubbed his pants and jacket pockets to show no weapon. Mom begun to chill. "I can tell your kiddo has no soul, I can help, but it could do something," I ran towards him. I was up to his chest. "I will take anything, I need a soul."

(Errors Point of Veiw,) I rubbed my head and felt.... fuzzy? I looked at my hand and completely... mewed?! And fell off the bed onto the air mattress and bounced off that and onto the floor. I ran to the bathroom and climbed onto the sink and was shocked. I am a friggen cat. I jumped down and realized I was the only one home. Darn it, I bet they wouldn't even be able to understand me. Sighing I made sure I was alone, sure enough, I was a cat.

Since this chapter was short Imma help you or what you might not have understanded.

The cat was radioactive and gave Error the cat form but didn't effect Ink.

Ink wants to love but can't and do ANYTHING to love Error.

Error is scared Ink won't like him, as a friend since that's all she can do,

Ink is practically sacrificing herself to love Error

That's practically it ^-^

Also ask a question! When I get a good question I will put it down with the users name (so I will be following you) and you can practically be making a smol series here (I like smol than Small) and can say anything after... 2 questions! Are answered, ask Inky or Glitch is what it will be called! (Because I think inky and Glitch are good nicknames)

Neko Female Ink X ErrorWhere stories live. Discover now