Gotta be kidding me (C8)

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(Ink) Before Alphys came Error glitched to human form. I did myself. She came. "What do you need me for?" Alphys asked. I pointed at Error and showed her his black soul. She quickly ran to Error. He hit her back and walked backwards. "Error." Error looked at me. Alphys came over. "M-may I-I have h-His soul?" She asked. I handed her the jar. "Only a professional like me can do it, others could easily absorb his soul." I ran to Underswap. I looked at Blueberry. "Ink!" He came to me happily, but stopped after seeing my face. "What's wrong?" He asked. "It's Error, can I have the four?" I asked "yeah! They're sleeping tho," I sighed. "Not an excuse to keep 'em." Swap Papyrus said. "Fine," he handed them over. Gradient, Paperjam, Blueprint, and pallet,, "Come on kids," they looked at me. "Wanna See dad for the first time?" I asked. They all lit up. "Ya!" I opened the portal. "Also gotta show you something." The four followed me. "How's Error?" I asked as the four came out. With Paperjam last. "He's fine, I was able to get his soul in, but he won't remember much of the past." I sighed. "As long as he still knows me, I'm fine." I said. "Dad?" Gradient asked. Gradient looked a lot like Error. "He's asleep, let him rest," Alphys said and left. "Kids stay here, I— I gotta do something very important." I left the room while Pallet, Paperjam, Gradient and blueprint in the living room. I was gonna stay in the room with Error, waiting till he woke.

Neko Female Ink X ErrorWhere stories live. Discover now