Alone (C6)

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-Time pass- Ink always yelled at me for no reason, a lot, and then cry afterwards. I knew we were returning back to the start where she had to reopen to me and I had more convensing to do later, or a few years. But she's been doing this for months (Don't ask me how I haven't bursted durning this and kicked her out) Maybe Inky Just needs a break? She has been fighting a lot.. I thought to myself. Maybe she does need her own time. Sighing I stood with my decision. "Ink I know you alone time, so imma go," I opened my portal to leave her alone. I was sure that's what she wanted. But I felt lonely, but I'm sure maybe I could talk to someone. Somebodies.

I got no questions and I know this is short so I will just say this again, plzask a quiestion

Neko Female Ink X ErrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora