Error (C7)

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Everyday I'd ask if she wants me back for company. She kept sending thumbs down or no. She didn't answer my calls, just text. I was getting worried. Nightmare came in. "Rouge," I looked up and turned my phone off. "I'm sorry about what happened, be glad we're keeping you here for now," Nightmare left the room. I was alone, again. I knew I'd be here for my existence, but I only had a month and they will kill me, they didn't want a Rouge. I texted Ink, but she stopped seeing my messages. I checked every hour but she never saw them. I worried and called her. No response. I... I...Inky you Alright????? I thought. Killer came in and left. Guess he was checking on me. Weeks passed and Ink finally read my messages. I'm Alright, Im fine, I gave a Sigh of relief. There's a surprise, I looked out the guest room and walked down. "What Rouge?" Dust asked. "I'm leaving." They stared at me. I should've just left, they hate me. "Not without a proper FIGHT!" Nightmare stood along with the others. I knew I was weak without Inks help. "1 against 3," Killer said. Nightmare gave the first strike and brought me to the ceiling and threw me to the wall and I slammed into it, I was sure I was dead but I stood. "That was just the start Rouge." Nightmare grabbed my throat and squeezed me. I was losing my breath and got frustrated. Everyone watched. I kicked and thrushed. But nobody came. "This is what it feels like to betrayed! Don't you remember!" Nightmare squeezed harder. I was losing my time. "Times almost up." Killer said. He let go a bit but didn't let me go. "Last words?" He asked. "Tell... Ink.... I'm.. sorry.." I whispered gasping air before he squeezed my neck again. "Stop." Ink held her paintbrush. Ink help. I thrashed showing her I was in pain and couldn't breathe. "What about your strings!" She called out as she looked at Nightmare. "Neko!" She called out. Idiot me. I turned into a cat and quickly slipped out of his tentacles. She turned into a cat too. "GET THEM!" Nightmare called out. We scampered. "Distract them." Ink said. I went to a quick halt. They looked at me. "Look what you've done Rouge!" Nightmare grabbed me and quickly pulled out my soul. "ERROR!" Nightmare dropped me. "Without his soul he can't feel!" Dust grabbed me by the scruff. I looked at him life-less. Ink jumped and clawed her way and grabbed my soul and bit my arm and we went through the portal. She called Undertale Alphys. She was most familiar with her. "Alphys, I.. I need you." "Whats wrong Ink?" I heard Alphys over the phone. "Come quick," she padded at the decline call button until it beeped. She put my soul in a jar safely. "Let's see if Alphys can help you, I don't want you to feel like I used to,"

Neko Female Ink X ErrorWhere stories live. Discover now