Chapter 16

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After class the next day, I walk into the dorm to find Draco fixing his tie "Hey, what are you up to?"

He gives a weak smile "I'm going to see my mum." I furrow my brow and he asks "Is that a problem?"

"No." I shrug, before sighing "You know, she won't mind if you wear normal clothes, right? She's your mum!"

He nods, before shrugging "I just want her to see me, and be proud."

As I start untying his tie, I insist "She'd be proud to see the man you've become." he gives a doubting look as I unbutton his blazer "Now, dress in something that you wear on a regular basis."

He scowls at me, before asking "What would you suggest? Do you think my mum would be proud of me for wearing a skirt?"

"Yes!" I nod, getting a glare from him "She'd be proud that you're so amazingly creative!" He thinks for a moment, before unbuttoning his shirt "What are you going to wear?"

He scratches his forehead, before declaring "Go big or go home. I'm going to need some help."

I give a confused look and he turns to his closet, tossing a few things onto his bed "I wore this in June, in San Fran, for pride."

After he changes into a floor length black skirt, with a slit a quarter of the way down the thigh and a white button up, rolled up his forearm.

He sits at his dress, putting on red lip gloss. When it dries, it's not glossy. In confusion, I ask "What's that?"

"Matte liquid lip stick." He states as he puts lines of makeup on his face "Now, I'm contorting." once he's done, he moves to a little bottle "This is liquid eyeliner."

After a moment, he hands me his red turso corset. Ten minutes of groaning later, Draco grips his skinny waist "Are you alright?" I ask and he nods.

He holds up a finger, before taking in a deep breath "I'm good." he straightens up and puts on his heels, and a black brim hat, before asking "Are you coming?"


We walk through a hospital. Draco stops in front of a man with claw marks over his neck. The man looks him over, before nodding him in "She's feeling a bit tired. The move didn't help her."

Draco nods, before stepping forward. Silently, I step in after him to find he sits in the bedside chair.

Narcissa lays, asleep, in bed. She's very pale, almost yellow. Her hair is is knotted into a scarf. She has an oxygen tube in her nose.

Draco glides his hand into her's and sits on edge "Mum?" he whispers as I lean against the doorframe. His face reads with sorrow and concern, before he sniffles.

Her eyes open tiredly and she smiles weakly "Dear boy..." Draco looks up in concern and Narcissa licks her lips "You possess such beauty."

Draco smiles weakly "Well, I had to get it from somewhere, mum." She gives a sad look and Draco shakes his head "I didn't get it from father."

"I think you got it from HIM." Narcissa states and I give a confused look, before Draco motions towards me "Harry Potter!" she smiles, tiredly "Good to see you!"

I smile at her "Hi Narcissa." She holds out a hand to me and I take it "It's so nice to see you again. I didn't know what would happen."

She hums, before looking to Draco "Darling, will you speak to the Auror outside? Ask him about his process."

Draco nods, before stepping out of the room. In confusion, I ask "May I ask why Draco should talk to him?"

"There's a reason Draco is so brave." she whispers and I give a confused look "Protect him, please! He can get a bit rambunctious."

"What?" I ask and she smiles, tiredly.

"Keep powdered silver and dittany on hand!" she insists, before taking in a deep breath "It's not safe to be close, without it!"

"Narcissa, what are you-" I cut myself off, before asking "Why would I need powdered silver and dittany?"

A sudden wash of fatigue washes over her and her hand drops "He's afflicted. A victim of Voldemort. He needs help."

As she starts to drift off, I realize I'm not going to get much more from her, so I sigh "I'll help him."

When she's definately asleep, I slip out of the room and find Draco stuffing a vial into his shirt pocket as he whispers "Clipperton."

"She's asleep." I state and Draco nods, before I ask "What's Clipperton? What does powdered silver and dittany, do?"

"Clipperton is an abandoned island." Draco states, before clearing his throat "I don't know about powdered silver and dittany."

I nod, before frowning "What's in your pocket?" he gives a confused look. Silently, I pull it out and frown "What's this potion for?"

He takes it back and sighs "It's nothing." he puts it in his pocket, before insisting "It's getting late. I'll come back tomorrow."


As we sit at dinner, Draco sits in the full moonlight as I make small talk with the girls. When our food comes, Draco tosses his fish and chips around, before declaring "I need to be alone."

Instantly, he slips off the patio and starts down the street, before Ron asks "Is he alright?" I shrug as Ron takes his plate.

"Do you know what powdered silver and dittany could be used for?" I ask and Hermione thinks for a moment.

"Well, dittany has healing properties." Hermione begins, before nudging Ron "I used it on Ron, when he was hurt." she shrugs "I don't know about silver. Muggles say it can kill all sorts of monsters, but it's all false. Why?"

I think for a moment, before explaining "Narcissa told me to stock up on powdered silver and dittany."

Hermione shrugs "I'll look into it."

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