Thank you!

1.2K 62 64

Wowza... I actually finished a book and managed to upload every week! And I stuck to the plot! I'm kinda proud of myself. 

I don't hate how this turned out, but who cares what I think. What did you guys think? I really hoped you liked it! 

What kind of books would you like to see from me next? Any particular fandom you want me to write about? I might go back to periodically working on my one-shot books until I can come up with something.

Don't be afraid to comment or message me! I love interacting with my readers. I appreciate you making it all the way to the end! Have a great day!

I also realized that I counted the epilogue in the 10 chapters but not the prologue but I'm not going to change it because 10 is a nice number so I'm sorry if it bugs you

-Your shockingly depressed author, SomeFormOfWriting

Update: HOLY SHIT?? I didn't realize this story hit over 10k reads? It's at 12k right now? I cannot believe this is my second most popular story. Thank you guys so much!! Just a reminder that I don't post on here anymore but I still read all of your comments. They really mean a lot! <3

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