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In my memory

All the small things

Like daggers in my mind

In my memory

Well my head believes

The words ill never find

And that I always meant to say to you

I can

'Cause you turned your face

And now I can't feel you anymore

Turn your face

So now I can't see you anymore

Walk away

Until your not standing at my door

Turn your face

Walk away

And stay

Turn your face

~Turn Your Face, Little Mix


I walk down the dark streets of New York, feeling the fresh autumn winds. I walk outside of Harry and I's apartment we owned 4 years ago.

I haven't seen him ever since. No phone call. No text message. Not even a simple letter. But it was all fine.

I didn't keep our child. No I didn't get an abortion. I gave it off for adoption. Who was I to know. An eighteen year old girl having a child?

I walk past the apartment complex and walk towards the bridge he proposed to me at. All the memories flood back as I stand off to the edge watching the small waves rise and fall.

I turn to tell Harry it's beautiful, but see him on one knee on the bridge. I cover my mouth in shock knowing what he's planning on doing.

"Bethany, I love you so much. You completed my life the minute you walked into it. Well more like kidnapped into it. But no amount of words can say how much I love you and my stomach churns every time I see your beautiful face. Happy Birthday baby girl. I just want to spend the rest of my life with you. Believe it or not you did change me. Without you in my life I don't know where I would be today. I know I made so many mistakes, I know I f*cked up loads of times. I want to make it up too you. I love you so much Bethany. Marry Me?" He says and opens a red velvet box, revealing a beautiful sliver ring.

I stare at him shocked, not able to answer back. Should I say yes? Do I want to spend the rest of my life with a criminal? I love him so much, but with the baby. He's the father Bethany.

"I-I. Yes!!" I scream and he puts the ring on me. He stands up and I immediately kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you Harry." I say as we break the kiss and stare into each other eyes.

"I love you Bethany." He says and kisses me again.

A tear slips out of the corner of my eye as I remember the night he proposed to me. So much has happened since that night. I still remember our last moments together.

"So this is i-it?" My voice cracks, showing my weakness. I stare into his eyes; mixed with emotions.

"This is it." His voice comes out in mixed emotions. He eyes show guilt. But its probably all just fake, just like his "love" for me. I nod my head, letting the tears flow out once again.

"Thanks for everything." My voice is thick with venom. Sarcasm laced throughout every word I say.

"Here." He hands me a flight ticket. I take it from his hand. Sparks fly through my body when our hands touch one last time.

"Bye Harry."

"Bye Bethany." I get in the cab as he starts to drive away, leaving Harry standing miles behind us, signaling the end of our lives together. You never can really get your forever and always. But you have to live with it.

I wipe the freshly fallen tears away. There's no need to be crying over him. He left me.

I take a deep breath and walk back to my house. Along the way I think about how life would be if he had never left. We would've got married. Taken care of our child. So much more, but there's no way that can ever happen again.

As I walk past the small park next to my apartment I hear voices of laughing. A very familiar voice rings through my mind. I've heard that laugh somewhere. I just don't know where from.

My curiosity takes over me, as I was closer to the park. The voices draw closer and louder.

I duck behind a tree and poke my head out from the side. I spot a girl, a child and a man. I squint to see closer to the man.

I walk to get a closer look, but fall on a tree root, falling to the ground thud. I let out a loud scream as I hear something crack on my way down.

I look up to see the three figures walking towards me. I hold my ankle in my hand, trying to soothe the pain.

"M'am? Are you okay?" His voice speaks. I look up from my ankle to be face to face with the love of my life.

"H-Harr- I-um I'm fine thank you." I stop myself. He doesn't even remember me. I mean yeah, it's been three years, but he didn't even bother.

"Are you sure? Darling come over. Your ankles turning purple. It's bloating up too." A British accent says. A black haired girl appears next to Harry.

"I-I'm fine. Thank you though." I say trying to get up. I hold on to the tree for support, but the minute I let go I fall to the ground again.

"Oh dear. You can't even walk. Come back to our hotel with us." I nod in agreement, knowing that she won't let me go. I don't even know how I'm going to do this.

"What's your name?" The black haired girl asks me.

"Um Juliet." I lie. If Harry doesn't remember me there's no point in telling them my real name.

We inside the hotel about 10 minutes later. I sit on the bed, while the black haired lady goes to get some emergency supplies. Meanwhile I try and ignore Harry as much as I can.

"Why did you lie about your name?" Harry walks in front of me. I look away, avoiding all eye contact with him.

"I-I didn't." I stutter.

"Bethany, I very we'll know that it's you."



I'm so excited to be starting the sequel for Dominance! I didn't really want to end the story so I thought why not!

I hope you liked the prologue and look forward to reading much moreee!

The first chapter will be up ssooooon!


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