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IT'S CURIOUS HOW FAST ONE PERSON CAN GO FROM BEING YOUR ALLIE TO YOUR ENEMY. After the night at Barry's lab in CCPD things became intense and it was like they were all walking on thin ice ready to break at any moment. Barry, Joe, Eddie, Bella and Cisco had accepted the idea that something was going on and they needed to figure it out soon. The only problem was that Caitlin still wasn't aboard the idea of her boss, who was in a wheelchair, to be the man behind the mask that killed two people and who they were fighting against.

Bella couldn't blame her. The whole thing sounded out of one of Bella's own books, and if they did follow the plot of a story, things were bound to go wrong before either of them could even know. In a story, someone is bound to get hurt, Bella never wishes to figure out who is the one to get hurt.

Right now, the whole team which included Caitlin, Joe, Cisco, Eddie and Bella were waiting in the West household for their speedster to arrive. Bella having to shake her head from her place in the stairs behind Cisco at how ironic it was that hee fathee xould get from one place to another in less than a second yet couldn't even make it on time to their meetings was just ridiculous.

Mabye I should get him a watch.

"Where's Barry?" Eddie asked out loud before sitting down on a couch with a beer in his hand and snapping Bella out of her thoughts.

"He should be here any second." Joe said taking a look at his watch from the living room, "I sent him out for-"

A gust of cold wind cut him off, "Pizza!"

Barry stood in the middle of the room letting down a pile of pizza boxes on the table in front of the couch. Just by looking at it she was sure that half of the pizza was for her father.

"Whaaat?!" Cisco yelled before he pulled himself up using the rails as support to get closer.

"From Coast City?" Eddie asked without moving from his spot in the couch as he still tried to process the sudden appearance.

The moment Barry confessed to being the Flash, Eddie was pissed at the fact that the team could just lie to him and Iris with Joe being a part of the lie. He had tried so hard to get the approval of Joe by being the best version of himself and yet here they all were telling one of the biggest lie someone could tell. After a period of cooling down and accepting the world he was being thrown at he accepted the reality and soon Barry started running into meetings and places so fast and so casually that it seriously scared the living daylights out of Eddie.

"Supposedly the best in the west." Barry's voice brought everyone's attention as the men of the group went ahead and got pizza while the two only females of the team observed with Bella in the stairs and Caitlin leaning in the small empty space that separated the stairs and the front door.

"Why did I not think of this before?" Cisco smiled in glee as he got two slices even though he didn't have a plate or a napkin, "Come to papa."

Noticing the absence of the two girls, Joe turned towards them with a lifted eyebrow, "Caitlin?"

"I'm not hungry." Caitlin gave a forced smile while shaking her head.

"Bella?" Joe turned towards the girl.

Bella shook her head with a soft smile, "Sorry Papa Joe, I stay faithful to my homemade pizza from now on."

Taking the excuse, even though Joe knew there was something going on, the man turned towards the group as they all payed attention to him, "Okay, six months of investigating Harrison Wells has led us nowhere, so we're going back to the beginning to see what we can find out."

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