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BEING UNCONSCIOUS FEELS LIKE YOUR FLOATING IN THE SEA RIGHT BETWEEN THE AIR AND WATER. You notice things from the corner of your eye yet your own mind betrays itself as your body wants to turn to the side and look at what caused the movement yet it doesn't. Your mind is aware that if you dare move you will stop floating and sink down. Your mind is active and wide awake yet your body is numb and unresponsive.

Bella could hear shifting and shouting from somewhere in the room yet she didn't know from where. Everything was dark, no light and for a moment she was scared as she tried to move her fingers but they refused. She wanted to get out, she didn't want to be here, much less after what she saw after she exchanged places with Cisco in that dream.

She had seen the rest of that time. She had seen herself watch and cry as her best friend fell to the ground dead. She saw the same man who killed her Mama Nora and her mother say how he had planned all of it and had a great use for her. Bella saw herself let out a scream along with releasing a powerful wave of energy from her body as it knocked Wells, who she knew was actually Eobard Thawne, into the other side of the room against a wall before he fell down to the ground with a loud and painful thud.

She saw herself crawl over to Cisco and hold him in her lap as she cries out for him. What scared her the most was that a tidal wave had been happening outside and the fact that she was the one who knocked Eobard in disguise against a wall with one blow. She never knew she had that much energy, such power was something that people killed for and she had more than likely killed a man.

After that, everything went dark and she could see herself in an endless room of complete darkness with only a spotlight above her that followed her wherever she went. All around her was complete darkness and when she took a step forward her feet made the squishing sound when you set on wet sandals.

Looking down she lifted her up her foot to her side, staining the pair of jeans she had on. The bottom sole of her shoes was coveted in a dark and sticky goo, like maple syrup but darker. Holding her foot up with her right hand, Bella used her left hand and reached out to touch the goo. The moment she touched it it's like she made a connection with it. A strong and filthy wave of odor hit her nose that made her want to gag and ended up letting go of her foot as she felt the warmth of the substance against her cold finger. Looking with wide eyes she could see all around her was pure darkness until the light from above her shut off and it was compete darkness all around.

"Hello?!" Bella called out in panic as she started to hyperventilate for fear of the darkness and the feeling of somethib g wet against her feet.

"Dad?!" She called out hopping to see her father's lightning and cold gust of wind but nothing came.

"Caitlin?!" She called out into the void space, her voice echoing in an endless tunnel as she put her hands out everywhere trying to touch something, anything, that told her shebwanst alone, "Cisco?!"

Panic started settitling in her chest until she could feel tears starting to fill her eyes until she could feel them about to fall and in desperation she started walking forward moving in random directions until she started running around like a headless chicken, "Papa Joe?! Iris?!"

Her breathing was coming in and out, her hands shaking, the traitor tears in her eyes falling down her cheeks, "Eddie?!"

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