My First Kiss Went A Little Like This

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They pressed us against the side of the truck, zip tying our wrists behind our backs before forcing us into the back seat of the truck. Krel and I huddled close to each other, looking out the window to see what was left of our car, what was left of our life, vanish into the distance.

A cold tear dripped down my face. And I couldn't even wipe it away.

Krel and I locked eyes again, more tears falling. I wouldn't have known what to say to him even if I could talk to him. My mind was completely empty. All of me was empty.

Then 'Ty' spoke.

"We're going back to the motel, right?" He asked. "I mean, all our stuff is there."

"Yeah," Garrison pulled the truck into the motel parking lot, leaving the keys in the ignition as he stepped out. "Keep an eye on 'em, alright? Be right back."

He craned his neck to look us over the seat. "Looks like it's just us." Then he pulled out his phone and began thumbing through it, one hand still closed on the gun.

My eyes went to his silhouette, and then back to Krel's. He shook his head, a little at first, and then violently.

Ty spun around. "What's going on back there? We getting chatty?"

"N-no," I forced myself to say. "No, I was just . . . just wondering . . ." I swallowed. "What your name was . . .?"

I almost thought he was gonna shoot me for that.

But then a cool grin spread over his face and he chuckled. "Do ya? It's Tyler. But you, blondie, can call me Ty."

I tried to smile. It was good enough for him to buy.

"Where - um -" I swallowed again. "Where are you . . . from?"

"Well," He said. "I'm from up north. Old Montana territory most people haven't even seen. Real beautiful up there, too," Another smirk, "kinda like you."

"Yeah," I tried to laugh, but it came out more of a sigh. "Thanks . . ."

Krel was still shaking his head at me, straight horror reflecting in his eyes. I winced at him, trying to say how urgent this was. He just mouthed the word 'don't'.

"Um," I cleared my throat. "What's . . . what's your jacket made out of?"

Ty's grin went lopsided. "Why don't you come feel for yourself?"

Krel's eyes were full of fresh tears. 'Please,' He mouthed. But I pushed myself forward anyway, shuffling between the seats till Ty could situate me onto his lap. His hands were solid on my waist, pulling me up so that I sat with my front against his and my legs hanging beside his hips.

But it was still just contact through clothing.

"What do you think?" He slowly inched me closer. "What's it made out of, blondie?"

I stretched my trembling fingers out to try and touch his. All I needed was a split second of contact, just a brush. I'd seen all of Steve's life in the time it had taken to punch him in the face. Jeez, I hadn't thought about Steve in forever.


"Uh . . ." I licked my lips. "I don't . . . I don't know."

"Well, why don't we see what your shirt's made of, yeah?"

My throat closed up as his hands slid up my sides, feeling up my ribs and against the fabric of my shirt. His fingers pried into me, squeezing and kneading. Touching me in a way I didn't even know I could be touched. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"What's wrong, blondie?"

I forced my eyes open. "N-nothing."

"Oh?" He smiled. "It's alright to be nervous, especially if it's your first time."

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