What Episode Of Riverdale Is This?

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He barely had time to process what I'd said before Toby came barreling through the doorway, shouting his name.

"We need you, dilweed!"

He jumped back, glancing back and forth between Toby and I. ". . . Huh?"

"We need another Blue," Toby panted, leaning on the wall.

Suddenly, the ceiling above us began to shake, enough for bits of dust to rain down. A few lights began flickering. I felt the desk jostle a little against my back.

"Like," Toby went pallid. "Right now."

Steve swallowed, nodding a few times before taking my hand. "I'll be right there."

Toby rolled his eyes, then dashed back out of the tunnel.

More dust rained down from the ceiling as Steve pulled me against him. "You need to get up there," I whispered.

"I don't wanna leave you."

I tightened my arms around his neck. "I don't want you to leave either."

He leaned back, pulling the paper from my hands as he did.

"What are you doing? I need that -"

"Please, Aja," He slipped it back into his pocket. "Just wait till I get back. We need some time to think about this -"

"No," I shook my head, swiping for the paper. "Krel's been out there for hours, we don't have any time -"

"Aja, those creeps will tear you apart," He grabbed my arms, pulling me back against him. "And I'm not gonna let that happen, okay?"

"But you'll let it happen to Krel."

His face fell. "Please don't do this, Aja. Please. We'll find him, I swear to you we will, but we can't risk all of Trollmarket doing it. Just wait for me to come back. Please. We can figure this out together."

I just looked at the ground.

He sighed, pressing a feather light kiss to my temple. "Stay out of trouble, angel."

I felt cold as soon as he left, missing his body heat. But I didn't reply until I heard the curtain swish closed.

"You're only in trouble if you get caught."

My feet carried my out of the tunnel fast enough for the air to blow my hair back. Adrenaline was hot and alive in my chest. My breathing and my hands were steady and tense. I was ready. So I headed straight for the infirmary.

Darci had a keystone, and I was betting I knew where it was.

She was in the back of the room, more towards the storage area and behind the wall of plastic tubs when I entered. She was arguing with one of the changelings - Nomura.

"You can't just take stuff without telling me!" Darci shouted.

I snuck around to the cabinets lining the wall. Only one of them had a lock on it.

"I had an injury that needed attending, quit getting your panties in a twist."

"If you have an injury you're supposed to tell me!"

Opening one of the drawers, I lifted a small pocket knife out. I flipped open the blade that most resembled a saw and put it against the first hinge. I'm not Eli and I don't have time to pretend to be.

"You're a child."

"Yeah! A child that could skip you like a rock!"

They were too invested in their argument to hear the small hum of me cutting around the hinge. The wood was cheap and old, splintering and peeling as I curved the metal.

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