Time To Say Goodbye feat. Nobody Because Goodbyes Suck

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We didn't even have time to respond before Eli bolted back around into the cabin. My wide eyes locked onto Krel's, completely dumbfounded.

He just gave me a sad shrug.

"Whoa, whoa, hold up," Steve chased after him, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. Eli was darting around the inside of the cabin, almost frantically packing. "Wait a minute, Pepperjack. What do you mean you're leaving?"

"My parents messaged me back," Eli's face was a mix of anxious and excited. Terrified and eager. "They're gonna meet me in West Virginia. They're gonna take me home."

Steve looked like he'd been slapped.

"Home . . ." He blinked. "To Arcadia?"

"Uh, yeah," Eli adjusted his glasses again. "Where else?"

Steve couldn't reply.

"Wait, wait," I held up my hands. "You have to leave now?"

"The rain will give them cover," Krel said behind me. "Jim thinks it's best if they leave as soon as possible."

"They?" I glanced around at all the other kids running back and forth. "How many kids are going with you?"

Eli shoved some clothes into a backpack. "Five."

"Five?" Steve dropped my hand. "That's way too many. They'll get you caught!"

"No," Eli glanced over his shoulder. "It's the perfect number, actually. And I'll only be with them until we reach the rendezvous point -"

"How do you know it's even your parents messaging you back?" Steve shouted. "What if it's another troll? Or a creep looking to get you back into a ring?"

"I traced the source myself," Krel said. "It's legitimate."

"I'm gonna see my parents again," Eli turned to face Steve. "Can't you be happy for me?"

"Happy?" Steve sounded insulted. "You're leaving, Eli! You're throwing away everything we've worked for!"

"What are you talking about?" Eli threw up a hand. "This is what we've worked for. From day one all I've wanted was to go home. You know that, Steve. So don't you dare pretend that you don't."

"This isn't safe," Steve folded his arms, grounding his feet. "You of all people should know that. You're gonna get caught and get your ass shipped right back to Caledonia -"

"And you of all people should know I'll be fine," Eli snapped. "Stop making excuses, Steve."

His eyes were suddenly rimmed with red. "You're my best friend, Peppers. And you're just gonna leave me here? Split up the Creepslayerz? After everything we've been through?"

The anger drained from Eli's face, his eyes going soft again. "You could come with me, you know." He looked at me and Krel. "All of you could."

Krel and I glanced at each other. Could we even handle another road trip? To California?

Steve let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head. "I can't believe you."

"Arcadia was your home too," Eli defended. "At . . . some point. I mean, who knows? Maybe your mom and Lawrence are still there. Maybe we can find them."

Steve's face colored with rage. I could actually feel it radiating off of him. Eli's face sickened again. Not with fear, with . . . disappointment. He'd said the wrong thing. All the wrong things. Steve would never leave with him now.

Just when I thought the Palchuk was about to explode, to shout or scream - maybe even punch something, he whipped around and stormed out of the cabin. Kids cleared out of his way, his form disappearing down the tunnel.

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